Legal Documents
- Dortch Decision
St Louis & Jefferson County Circuit Court decisions forming the LTPOA, 1969-1971
- General Warranty Deed H Hurd
Transfer of Tishomingo Rd, 1.36 A (current maintenence yard), and 2-ft buffer behind certain named lots to LTPOA, 1972
- General Warranty Deed H Hurd_annotated
Same as above with explanatory comments
Cronin Decision
Missouri Supreme Court decision, 1984
- Established the precedent of "equitable obligation of each person to pay their fair share of the cost and maintenance of the subdivision."
- Established the precedent that reformation or amendment of covenants is permissible only upon proof of fraud or mistake
- Affirmed the LTPOA as successor trustee for the Lake Tishomingo subdivision.
- Ruled that the original restrictions are in force.
- Marler Decision
Established assessments for Lake Tishomingo Rd, 23rd Circuit Court of Missouri at Jefferson County, 1990