LTPOA Meeting Minutes, November 8, 2005

The meeting opened at 7:04 p.m. with the following board members present:

Matt Holloran, Ray Lauer, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel. 21 lot owners were present.

The minutes of the October meeting having been posted on the website, inserted in the newsletter and passed out at the meeting, President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes, motion made by Ray Lauer, seconded by Matt Holloran, motion passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report

Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported the following:

Cash Inflow:
Regular Assessments 2004 456.60
Regular Assessments 2005 2,248.02
Special Assessments 2004 152.20
Special Assessments 2005 285.39
Legal 475.94
Insurance Refund 762.00
Lot Sale 1,500.00
Interest 70.48
Total Cash Inflow 5,950.63

Cash Outflow:
Loan Payment 4,489.55
Security Guard (30 hrs/week) 1,021.20
Road Maintenance 11,500.00
Administration 320.82
Employment Taxes 844.60
Federal Taxes 582.00
Utilities 109.83
Total Cash Outflow: 18,871.00

Checking Account Balance 142,871.14
Money Market Balance 2,658.64
Total Cash on Hand: 145,529.78

Outstanding Assessments:
Special (2004-2005) 150.00
Regular (2004-2005) 650.00
Special (2005-2006) 1,482.89
Regular (2005-2006) 7,179.40
Loan Principal October 31, 2005 146,216.47
Interest - $22.33 per day

Marilyn reported that as of the end of October there were 10 delinquent assessments already at the Attorney and 3 more letters will be mailed this week.

There were 16 at the end of September and 3 of these have been settled. There is only one remaining delinquent assessment from 2004-2005.

Matt Holloran made a motion, seconded by Ray Lauer to accept the treasurer's report as read. Motion carried.

The following bills were presented for payment:

Legal 3rd quarter $3,426.00

Property /personal taxes $2,759.00

Motion made by Matt Holloran seconded by Larry Kimmel for payment. Motion carried.

Due to settlement of delinquent taxes two lots are now for sale, I59 and I60.

Consideration was being given to opening either a six (2.75%) or three (2.2%) month CD as this would earn more money than the checking account (.55%). Approval was given from the board for the treasurer with the assistance of the finance committee will look into investing monies in the future.

President Sansone thanked Janet and Rich Hirsch for all their work on the newsletter. He said that the newsletter is getting better and better all the time.

Finance Committee:

Janet Hirsch reported that the Finance Committee did not meet last month but they did assist the treasurer in the compilation of the reports and will be assisting with the decision to invest in CDs for the future.

Security Director Ray Lauer read the security report.

Marilyn asked if we could not a suggest a speed limit. Unfortunately, due to the fact that our roads are not wide enough for the sheriff to come in, this is not possible. Speed bumps and barricades were discussed but neither were considered feasible. The cost of speed limit signs would be looked into.

The guard's hours would be reduced to 20 hours for the winter months.

Building Director

Larry Kimmel reported on the following activity:

1. John Johnson - I2 & I47-50

Main residence on second tier, requesting to put dock on lakeside lot.

Request granted.

For the record Larry reiterated that if you do not have a house, only a lakeside lot, you are not allowed to dock a pontoon boat at the dock.

2. Rick Kardell - N26 & 27
Permission to remove silt from in front of lots.
Permission to extend boat ramp 12' further into water.
Permission to excavate in creek bed of lot N54 (owned by the lake) for the purpose of allowing silt to build up in bed prior to entering the storm piping.
Permission to place silt in volcano.
Permission was given to the first three requests. However with respect to item four, this was denied. President Sansone however gave permission (if the ground was dry) for the silt to be dumped at the back of his property

Kevin Seelbach has contacted 4 contractors to do repairs on the lake boat ramp and repair the sea wall. President Sansone explained that the plan was to tear out the old boat slip and replace it with one twice as wide and make it go further into the water.

Kevin has also been in contact with SLC Trucking regarding removing silt from the volcano and putting it on their property. Matt Holloran said that we must obtain a mechanics lien from them prior to commencement of work as SLC is in the process of selling the business.

Maintenance Director

1. Matt requested that bids for snow plowing be placed in the next newsletter. Dale did a great job last year. He charged $25 per hour. However, it is very difficult to get three bids for snow plowing, so Matt said that if you were aware of anyone, please let him know.

2. Please be aware that with it getting dark earlier, it is now very difficult to see children riding their bikes along the roads. Please be aware that it is very dangerous going around some of the curves.

3. Matt volunteered the use of his boat ramp to remove anyone who could not get their boat out of the water due to level of the lake. He requested that you call and leave him a message prior to using the ramp and that if you choose to use the ramp, you assume all liability yourself.

4. He asked that everyone be very careful when burning the ditches. He said that raking them to the lake if you have a sea wall is a good place to burn them.

Tim Schryver said he would appreciate knowing if anyone had a speed boat trailer he could borrow or buy.


No report as Gail Lents was not present.

Web Site

Janet reported that burn permits information and the latest newsletter was now posted on the web site. The newsletter was mailed on the 5th, if you have not received it, please let her know. The deadline for the next newsletter is December 25.

Sewer Committee

The next meeting of the sewer committee will be on November 22 at 7 p.m. in the Community House. President Sansone said that hopefully this would be on the April ballot.

New Business

Permission was requested by the residents of G cove that they be personally allowed to remove the silt and place it on lake property across the road from the cove. The cove was dug out in 1976. Larry and Matt were to be consulted on specifics as to how this could be achieved so that the silt did not go back into the lake after rains. Permission from lot owners involved would also need to be obtained. After considerable discussion on how this could be achieved, Matt suggested that people considering removing silt from in front of their properties this winter should get together and possibly get a better price from contractors. He also made the following recommendations for anyone wishing to clean up their own cove:

He said he would be willing to go and look at any work prior to commencement.

With the lake at present being so low Matt will check with the Department of Natural Resources to see if it is feasible to take the lake down 3 or 4 more feet.

Also with the lake being so low it was a good opportunity for "junk" to be removed from the lake. Volunteers would be contacted. Permission to remove "junk" from the lake is not required.

Katie Hovis read a letter requesting donations for the repair of the bus shelter. Any one interested in donating could contact Fran Hovis at 274-7019 or Hilda Schryver, 285-7474. The Board pledged a donation of $300 toward the shelter.

Larry Kimmel said that he had been in contact with the Anglers in connection with the removal of the fish ladders in the lake. These are creating a liability for the community as they are very dangerous to swimmers, skiers and boats. It was not clear who authorized them to be put in the water but this showed a tremendous lack of responsibility. The ladders are approximately 6 ft long and 1x strips are nailed to it. These are placed in the water to attract small fish which in turn attract larger fish. Discussion followed on various ways of marking fish covers etc. and the need to remove large numbers of trees and stumps etc. from the lake. It was also stated that nothing should be placed in the lake within 50 ft of the shoreline and permission from a lot owner had to be obtained before anything could be placed in the lake. Larry Kimmel requested that Rick Hannick and Gary Ryan from the Anglers Association contact him.

There being no further business, Ray Lauer made a motion, seconded by Matt Holloran to adjourn. The meeting ended at 8:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Pat Harting
