Lake Tishomingo Property Owner Association
Board of Directors Meeting
The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present:
Joe Hejnal, Larry Kimmel, Marilyn Meyer, Janet Hirsch and Pat Harting. 12 lot owners were present.
The minutes of the August meeting were approved with the following corrections to the Treasurers report: Cash Inflow - Special assessments - $2,375.76 and insertion of Cash Outflow - Central Stone - $1,018.71. Larry Kimmel asked for a motion to accept minutes with amendments as noted, motion made by Janet Hirsch, seconded by Joe Hejnal, motion passed.
Presidents Report
Vice President Larry Kimmel reported that President Sansone had been admitted to St. Lukes Hospital with an infection of the pancreas on September 7.. He asked for our prayers for his speedy recovery.
Treasurers Report
August Financial Report
Motion made by Janet Hirsch to accept the Treasurers report, seconded by Joe Hejnal, motion carried.
Treasurer Meyer reported that the loan had been changed to a "balloon" loan to be paid off on July 1, 2007 after receipt of the special assessments. The automatic deposit will now be interest only of $250.28. The loan will remain the same until the next special assessments come in and then the loan will be paid off.
Delinquent assessment 2006-07 letters for 2006-07 will be mailed shortly. If payment is not received they will be turned over to the attorney.
Larry Kimmel asked if additional charges would be incurred by changing the loan to a balloon. Marilyn replied no. The loan will be due July 1, 2007.
The treasurer asked for approval of the following invoices:
Perimeter Protection - Gate 58.83
Bobcat Payment 1,066.20
McLaren - Grading 2,040
Warbro Paving 20,000
Air Conditioner /Heater for guard shed 91.93
Treasurer Meyer explained that Warbro paving was allowing us to pay the bill in3 monthly installments. Larry Kimmel said that a heater was necessary for the guard shack to keep the temperature around 40 in the winter to protect the computer equipment.
Treasurer Meyer asked for a motion for payment of the bills, motion made by Joe Hejnal seconded by Janet Hirsch, motion carried.
Marilyn reported that our insurances are due September 30. She reported that our former broker had started his own company. She said that bids had been requested from both the new and old company for all 5 contracts and asked for a motion that she accept the lowest bidder. Janet Hirsch made a motion, seconded by Joe Hejnal that we accept the bid from the lowest bidder, motion carried.
Kathy Hopfer asked if the $65 per truck load for removal of silt would be reflected as income. Larry Kimmel said yes it would.
Janet Hirsch was asked how much was being obtained on our money markets; she said that this would be explained in detail in the report from the Finance Committee.
Security Director
Larry Kimmel reported the following:
1. Gate break of July 4 - A guest broke the gate; he has paid the $250 fine.
2. Gate break of June 18 - Resident broke the gate - individual contacted the Board August 30 and the individual agreed to pay fine. August 31 the individual's father said he was not going to pay it. Therefore this is now in the hands of the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department who will hand this over to the District Attorney.
Larry said that in an emergency if the gate will not open and the gate is broken, please report this to a member of the board immediately. A record is kept when a card is swiped for entry.
3. Stickers for boats, trailers and ATVs. This is being worked on over the winter. All vehicles will be stickered so we will know who owns them.
· Boats not owned by lake residents will be removed from the lake. Please report illegal boats to Larry. If they will not remove their boat call the Sheriff's Dept at 797-9999. If a boat is owned by someone living with a lake resident, the lake resident should register the boat so they can be held responsible for it.
4. Larry requested volunteers for the boat patrol. He said that as it is not possible to get the police department involved for boating violations, we must self police. He said that boat stickers, flags and shirts were available for identification if a volunteer did not want to drive the patrol boat.
· Mary Leiweke asked if the boat patrol needed to be speed boats. Larry responded and said that he had thought of putting them on pontoon boat, unfortunately pontoons are not allowed to leave a wake so apprehending anyone would prove difficult. There are other ways of catching offenders such as walkie talkies.
· Swimmers must also adhere to the rule of swimming within 50 ft from shore.
· Damage to the dam by anchoring too close to it was also discussed. Regulations require anchoring to be at least ft away.
· It was suggested that all residents be given the rules concerning water sports when the new stickers are given out and a copy of them should be on a boat at all times.
· On a special note, please report it immediately if you see speed boats going between swimmers and the shore. This is an extremely dangerous practice.
· Violators are required to come before the board.
5. Please do not throw trash overboard. The boat patrol recently witnessed children throwing coke bottles in the lake.
6. A complaint had been made about the private party held over Labor Day weekend at the club house. It was pointed out that the board has no control over decorations etc. put up by renters. However, they must clean up after themselves.
7. Please remember that boats must go round the lake in a counter clockwise manner. It is dangerous to go clockwise. Fishermen can go clockwise when trolling.
8. C30 has complained about debris in his cove. Joe Hejnal will check this out.
9. ATV riders must adhere to the rules concerning them.
Joe Hejnal reported:
1. A32 requested a variance to put up a fence for an in-ground pool. The fence will be 4 ft high together with a 3 ½ ft retaining wall to prevent road water from going into the pool. Motion made by Janet Hirsch seconded by Pat Harting. Permission granted.
2. A16 requested permission to remove an old tie wall and replace with stone. This will not change water flow from the road. A tree will need to be taken down to accomplish this and A17/18 Kalin, said he needs verification that the tree is on A16 and not on his property. If it is on his he will object to the tree being taken down.
Motion made by Marilyn Meyer, seconded by Janet Hirsch. Motion passed.
3. The process of identifying all driveways that do not have the first 20ft paved has begun. Based on the lot owners vote at the annual election in 2005, this must be done by July 1 2007. This is for both upper tier and lakeside residents.
4. D Cove - There were complaints that silt was coming from Donaway's upper tier yard down into neighbor's property. Joe Hejnal has addressed the complaint and measures will be taken by the property owner to correct this problem.
5. Joe then thanked all those people involved with the removal of the "volcano".
Kevin Seelbach was not present at the meeting.
M17/18 - Dave Fitzgerald requested the Board give consideration to having a paid maintenance crew. There was considerable discussion on the value of this. The former crew spent the majority of their time patching the roads. This work is not necessary now since the roads have been totally redone. The discussion was that the $1 special assessment could be used for maintenance as the lake was financially not able to afford paid maintenance employees. However, the $1 was strictly for major projects and could not be used for maintenance. Janet Hirsch explained that the regular $2 assessment is for lake operations. The $1 assessment was for major projects and the $1 special assessment is a temporary one for the roads and this will cease after one more year. Therefore a rate increase would be necessary in order to have qualified people for maintenance operations.
Sewer Committee
The Sewer Committee met with Bill Brunjes, the sewer engineer, recently to discuss his new estimate of $4.5 million. We are trying to obtain any funding from any agency such as the DNR. Unfortunately we did not get enough responses to that were low enough to the financial questionnaire to qualify for a federal grant, which would have been about $1 million. Therefore we are desperately trying to find a funding source. IF YOU HAVE NOT RESPONDED YET TO THE QUESTIONNAIRE PLEASE DO SO. We have been given permission by the USDA to extend the survey. Please contact Mary Leiweke if you need a questionnaire. Twelve more households with incomes under $39,049 are needed for us to qualify for a grant. Consideration was given to asking residents of Bono Dell to participate in the survey. The only thing we can do at the moment is apply for a loan. The Board is in the process of writing our Senators and other governmental agencies in the hopes of finding leads to obtain grants. The bond issue will be on the November election for $8 million. He said that if the bond issue passes, this does not lock us in to putting in sewers. He explained that it is customary to request more money than is needed so that if money is needed for e.g. expansion, in the future it would be available. He said that we need to do everything possible to keep the issue going. However, a price of $4.5 million without any grant money is prohibitive for the lake. You have to be registered to vote in Jefferson County to vote on the bond issue. Kathy Hopfer asked if the board had participated in the meetings with other surrounding subdivision as reported at the August meeting. Janet replied that the first one was tonight and Mike Leiweke was attending as our representative. These are communication meetings sponsored by Jefferson County Planning Department. These meetings will afford us an excellent opportunity to network with other communities to see how they deal with the same situations we are dealing with.
Finance Committee
Janet Hirsch reported that a proforma analysis had been prepared on cash flow projections for
the coming year. Based on this the committee recommends that our funds be invested in CDs. We
have $80,000 in funds at the moment and this will be invested as follows:
$40,000 - 3 months CDs
$20,000 - 6 month CDs
$20,000 - 1 year CDs
in $10,000 increments.
Web Site
Janet reported that 367 newsletters had been sent out. If you did not receive one, please let her know. The web site has recently been updated with the ATV rules and the updated building regulations, both of which were re-approved at the August meeting. Also please take a look at the wonderful picture taken by Kathy Zeresku took of the lake.
Rules Committee
Responsibility of committee members has been divided into three different categories. One will look at the restrictions, and determine if the 1999 restrictions have been recorded in the county recorders office. Another group will look at items which have been voted on over the past 30 years. The third group will look at regulations and resolutions that were passed by LTPOA boards.
Dam Committee
Dam Report
Gate Committee
Gate Report
Kathy Hopfer on the following parties/dances for Halloween.
Children Friday - October 27 - 6-8 p.m.
Teens Saturday - October 21 - Bonfire
Adults Saturday - October 31 - 8 p.m. to midnight
Kathy reported that Double Take would be playing at the adult dance. She also said that proceeds from the adult dance would go to The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.
Old Business
The new entrance road to the maintenance yard which the board had been looking into was not possible due to the fact that it would have needed to go over land not owned by the board.
New Business
Burn season begins September 15. Burn permits can be obtained from the Goldman Fire District. Please be aware that burning in a barrel is no longer allowed.
Mary Leiweke wanted to know if you needed to renew an out-of-date permit. Larry Kimmel said that as permits were only valid for one year, yes a new permit would need to be issued.
There being no further business, Janet Hirsch made a motion, seconded by Joe Hejnal to adjourn motion passed.
The meeting ended at 8:31p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting