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LTPOA Meeting Minutes, July 10, 2007

The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. with the following board members present: Ron Sansone, Janet Hirsch, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Joe Hejnal, Kevin Seelbach and Larry Kimmel. 23 lot owners were present.

The minutes of the June meeting having been posted on the web site and published in the newsletter, President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Janet Hirsch, motion approved.

President's Report

President Sansone reported that the loan has now been paid off and we are now debt free, ahead of schedule. He said that this had been helped by the sale of the dredge but we have also done a lot of other improvements other than the roads in the last few years. He said that we now have cash for a change, unless there is a catastrophe!

Treasurers Report

Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported for June

Marilyn reported on the payment of the loan. She said that on July 2nd, the money market was closed. This was the account used strictly for the special assessments. The $20,757.37 plus $3,428.05 from millennium account was used to pay off the loan. The account still has $21,951 and the checking account has $21,513 as of today. We therefore are in very good shape.

There are 4 delinquent property owners for the years 2004-2006. 29 names will be sent to Atty Tesreau for outstanding 2007 Special Assessments totally approximately $3,500 which is almost what had to be taken from the millennium account.

Marilyn then asked for approval of the following bill:

Newsletter, 2 issues - 476.02

Motion made by Janet Hirsch, seconded by Larry Kimmel to pay the bill, motion passed.

Finance Committee

Janet Hirsch reported that the year to date balance sheet and cash flow reports were available. She said that the finance committee would meet August 8 at 7 p.m. to set the budget for the upcoming year.

Security Report

Larry Kimmel handed out copies of the revised water safety rules and regulations for review. He said that there were no drastic changes to these. He would like to vote on adoption at the August meeting. He said that violations were continuing on the lake and three lot owners were going to be called before the board in August to explain their actions, lots H19, A38 and G6.


Joe Hejnal reported that he was presently working with people who had applied for permits but not yet finalized the projects and people who had started projects prior to obtaining a permit. With respect to the required paving of driveways, he said the initial list had approximately 78 names on it. This was now down to roughly 35 or 40. He was pleased with those people who had already had their driveway paved. He would be getting three bids from asphalt companies for a 10' x 20' apron. The contractor with the lowest bid would be selected. Lot owners would be given an opportunity to contract with the asphalt contractors on their own if they wanted additional work done. As this requirement was voted on by the majority of lot owners, lot owners will be required to pay for the 20' paving..If they do not, this amount will be added to their assessments. The lake attorney has already been contacted on this.


Kevin Seelbach reported that he was waiting for the sand to finish the volley ball court. A utility pole fence has been installed next to the road above the spillway to make it safer. Kevin will look into fixing the hole in the fence to the Marler property on the entrance road.

Web Site

Janet reported that the web site was in good shape.

Dam Report

Richard Hirsch reported for the committee.

Gate Report

There was one unintentional gate arm break this month.

At approximately 10 p.m. on June 30 the gate came down on a trailer. It was diagnosed that due to the high volume of traffic leaving after the fireworks display the high-temp cutoff switch on the outgate motor had been tripped. It was decided that the gates will be in the UP position for holidays that fall on a Saturday or Sunday during the summer as there are bad traffic jams at the gate and someone with a gate card just lets everyone in anyway.

New Business:

Concerning the dock dispute between Kathy Lovin and Kenny Allen -- this has been resolved due to the fact that it has been established by an LTPOA printout generated in the past and from letters by former owners that testify that a dock does in fact go with Lovin's property, A45.

As a matter of historical business, a fee of $1 per year used to be charged for the use of docks which are all on common ground.


The LTIA will be sponsoring a Pontoon Race as a fundraising event on August 11. Participants will be required to have lot identification and boat stickers in order to register. Please contact Larry Kimmel for information on boat registration. Janet Hirsch made a motion seconded by Larry Kimmel to grant permission to the LTIA for a one time only pontoon boat race. Motion carried.

Water Willow (Justicia americana)

Janet Hirsch reported that she had received from Gary Ryan jr. suggested guidelines for the planting and control of water willow. Janet made the motion to adopt the guidelines presented by the taa. No one was willing to second the motion. So the guidelines were not accepted. Larry Kimmel then made the motion to tell the TAA to remove all the water willow now. That motion failed by a vote of 2 - 4. (Roll call vote: Hirsch, No; Harting, No; Meyer, Yes, Kimmel, Yes; Seelbach,No; Hejnal, No.)

A spirited discussion was held over the pros and cons of water willow. The TAA stated that the water willow is easy to remove. One owner said that it was not easy to remove. At the conclusion of the discussion Gary Ryan jr. on behalf of the TAA agreed to remove water willow from the creek entering the Lake. It was then decided that if the water willow could not be controlled, the board would take steps to remove all of the water willow. The TAA admitted that they introduced water willow into the lake without the permission of the LTPOA Board. Concern was expressed regarding the problems encountered a few years ago with excessive aquatic vegetation which precipitated the introduction of the grass carp to control it. A meeting with Kenda Flores (MO Dept Conservation) has been set for August 3, 7 p.m. at the Community House to discuss the water willow plant. This is the third summer that water willow has been in the lake.

Gary Ryan said that a small bass tourney will be held on July 21 at 7 p.m.

Other Business

President Sansone reported on the progress of the lowering of the lake. Discussion followed on the lowering of the lake and the effect this may have on the dry hydrants. Clarue Holland presented a detailed report on the requirements for the dry hydrants. She will obtain bids for their installation.

There being no further business motion made by Marilyn Meyer, seconded by Kevin Seelbach to adjourn, motion passed. Meeting concluded at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted: Pat Harting, Secretary