LTPOA Meeting Minutes - July 12, 2005

The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. with the following board members present, Pat Harting, Matt Holloran, Larry Kimmel, Ray Lauer, Marilyn Meyer and Ron Sansone. 20 lot owners were present.

The minutes of the June meeting were approved with the following corrections: In the 9th paragraph - the amount of $39,000 should read $3,900 and transfers can be made three times per month, not week. Motion made by Ray Lauer seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion carried.

Treasurers Report:

Marilyn reported the following:


Utilities $116.18
Payroll $710.10
Annual Mtg Postage $106.67
Newsletter - (2 issues) $450.00
Audit $250.00
Check charge $5.00
Termite treatment $276.00
Loan payment $4,489.55


Special assessments $16,046
Trailer rental $100
Bank interest $19

She reported the following on the special assessment activity - $16,786 was moved in June to loan principal. So far a total of $44,767 has been collected thru June 30th. Progress is being made on the delinquent special assessments. There are still 31 property owners for a total of $4,800 still outstanding. Phone calls and letters have been sent to these individuals.

The loan as of June 30th was $169.671 with a daily interest rate now down to $26.76. With the regular payment and $3,000 moved from the money market account, a further $6,500 has been paid to the loan principal.

$4,000 has also been collected since July 1 on the special assessments and a $500 donation was made for loan reduction. She also reported that so far this month $32,720 has been received for regular assessments.

Marilyn then reported that there are 9 incidents of non-payment of assessments from 2004. Suites will be filed on these by the attorney on July 13th. This amounts to close to $5,000 still owing. For 2003 delinquents, one is in foreclosure, one was reported in error and the remaining two will be settled by the end of July with property sales. She then urged any disinterested lot owner to contact a realtor in an attempt to sell the lot(s) in question rather than find themselves with legal action being taken against them. She said that it is costly for all concerned.

Kathy Hopfer asked what the money market account was. Marilyn explained that it was special assessment monies which had to be kept separate from any other monies for loan reduction. Ray Lauer made a motion seconded by Matt Holloran to accept the treasurers report, motion carried.

The following bills were then presented for payment:

Newsletter postage $111.30
Bass Pro Shop $113.60 - patrol boat

Motion made by Ray Lauer, seconded by Larry Kimmel, motion passed.

Finance Committee:

Janet Hirsch reported on the results of the survey taken at the annual meeting. The results are posted on the website.

Security Director:

Ray Lauer read his report.

The purchase of the new motor was oked by the following. Motion made by Ray Lauer, seconded by Larry Kimmel, motion carried.

Jerry Uhlenbrock asked if the patrol boat was insured. This will be looked into.

Car/boat stickers were again discussed. Jerry Uhlenbrock reported that an average cost was $5 per sq.ft. for however many you can get on that size. Ray reported that when he sent out a survey last year not even half of the residents responded. A suggestion was made that stickers would be sent out when assessments were paid. The logistics of this for next year will be looked into. Sticker availability for the current year will be posted in the newsletter for those who wish them.

Building Director:

The following requests have been received:

M26 & 27 - Droege/Marshall, requesting replacement of existing dock with a 6 x 16 dock and seawall.

B17, 18 & 19 - Schryver, boat lift on south side of southernmost existing dock. Only an owner originated drawing was available of the proposed lift. Motion made by Ray Lauer seconded by Matt Holloran, motion passed.

Larry reported on a dispute between Jason Covington and Alfio Toscano on the location of shed located on C-26/C-27. Larry recommended that they get a survey and they work out the dispute between themselves as this is not a board issue.

It was suggested that the Kevin Seelbach could possible be responsible for communicating with lot owners on lot problems.

The lake recommended distances for swimmers and boats was stated: 50ft from shore for swimmers, 100 ft from shore for boats.

However, as has been noted, several residents do not adhere to this recommendation even though requested to do so. A letter will be sent to those in question.

Maintenance Director:

Matt thanked whoever cut the back of the dam recently. Although we were in the process of obtaining three bids, someone took it upon themselves to cut it. He also reminded those lot owners who do not have a seawall that with the lake being low, this would be an excellent time to do this. He thanked Elmer Richars for being instrumental in contacting John Gabel who is presently in the process of taking away the silt from the volcano. Elmer also had a lot to do with contacting the purchaser of the dredge. However, we still do not have any bids for repairs stemming from the last storm. Matt again asked that if anyone knows of people who might be interested in bidding these various jobs, who is a responsible contractor and has insurance please contact him. Some of the jobs still needing to be done are:

Parking lot, boat launch, telephone poles, ditch line behind guard shack, debris from creeks.

Ken Lanning asked if we were being paid for the silt which was being taken away, the answer was no. He has the equipment required to take the silt away. We have requested that he take the silt and not dirt.

Larry Kimmel will contact the southside lot owner who has put in a new dock by combining two existing docks.


The LTIA was thanked for the good job of putting in the new walkways around the club house.


Two items have been added to the website - the 4th July boat parade which was excellent. Trophies were given out for the parade this year. Pictures of the new Mr. Tishomingo have also been posted. The deadline for the next newsletter is August 21st.

Old Business:

The report from Jerry Uhlenbrock on the quality of the lake water was read.

Listed below are the current officers, their titles and current terms:
Name Title Term Expires
Ron Sansone President 2006
Larry Kimmel Vice President 2008
Marilyn Meyer Treasurer 2008
Pat Harting Secretary 2007
Matt Holloran Maintenance 2007
Ray Lauer Security 2007
Kevin Seelbach Communications/Real Estate 2006

New Business:

Kenny Lanning (G71) was concerned that his lot had been driven over. Matt said that he had been taking cedar trees down in the vicinity and apologized if he had inadvertently done this.

There being no further business a motion to adjourn was made at 7:40 by Ron Sansone, seconded by Matt Holloran, motion carried.