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LTPOA Meeting Minutes, April 9, 2007

The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. with the following board members present: Janet Hirsch, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel, Joe Hejnal and Kevin Seelbach.

The March meeting minutes having been posted on the website and passed out at the meeting, President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes, motion made by Janet Hirsch, seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion passed unanimously.

Presidents Report

President Sansone reported that real progress was being made on the items around the lake the needed to be done. He said that we were getting a lot of cooperation from residents and due to the diligence of the Finance Committee we were ahead financially and unless there is a disaster we should finish the year out in good shape. He said that this is the last year for the special assessment. He expressed appreciation for the work done by the board to make the lake a better place.

Treasurers Report

Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported for March

Marilyn Meyer said that delinquent property owners are handed over to our attorney. President Sansone commended Marilyn for doing such a good job at collecting the assessments. He said that this was the lowest number of unpaid assessments since he has been on the board.

Discussion on the foreclosure and sale on the court house steps of a property on the south side was discussed. It was determined that the owner still owns and is still responsible for the upcoming assessments and will be billed accordingly.

Motion made by Janet Hirsch, seconded by Larry Kimmel to accept the treasurer's report. Motion passed.

Marilyn presented the following bills for payment approval:

Jerry Uhlenbrock, New tires & rims for trailer 200.98

Digitel Video Recorder for gate 799.99

Tishomingo Newsletter, 2 issues 495.06

Motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Kevin Selbach to pay the bills. Motion passed.

Finance Committee

Janet Hirsch reported that the year to date financial statement had been prepared and extra copies were available at the meeting. She said that we had $74,354.76 cash on hand which is really good since when the committee did their initial proformas at the beginning of the year they only expected to have $41,000 at this point.

President Sansone said that he had received numerous comments from lake residents that they appreciate seeing the financial statements in black and white.


Larry Kimmel reported on the chronic problem of non lake residents having access to the lake for fishing. Unfortunately there is very little we could do about it. He said that the main problem is that there were not enough volunteers and there appeared to be only two solutions; have someone there full time when the gate was open or secondly close it during the day. Discussion followed on the difficulty that having the gate closed would present. He said that the new stickers would help but not solve the situation. Various remedies taken by other lakes e.g. special numbers for contractors, card for mail carrier were discussed. He asked for the primary reason to leave the gate open during the day and was told, the school bus, deliveries, the mail person, contractors. Larry said that he also receives numerous complaints concerning fish being stolen from the lake. Because of all the various issues and opinions concerning keeping the gate either open or closed the matter will be brought up at the annual meeting in June.

Larry said that lot owners who do not have stickers for their vehicles, should go to the website for the registration form.

A new digital video recorder has been installed at the gate.

If you are towing a pontoon boat in through the gate, please try to bring it in when the gate is normally open (M-F, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sat. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.) If you bring in a pontoon boat when the gate is in operation using your gate card, the gate may descend before the boat gets in. This is because the trailer is not close to the ground and does not have enough metal for the gate sensor to detect it. If you want to bring a pontoon boat through the gate when the gate is operating, please call Rich Hirsch (285-0813) and he will come down and assist you.


The deadline for submission of materials for the next newsletter is April 20th.

Web Site

The lake's project list is now on the web site. This lists every project from all the lake organizations. This is an excellent way of keeping track of all that is going on at the lake. Janet Hirsch thanked Russ Wilner for taking charge of this.

Building Director

Duffy G9: The building permit issued last month was provisional on compliance with Jefferson County regulations. Following a conversation with Roger Hurst of the county, everything is in compliance and we have received a letter from him stating that the lot is an irregular shaped lot without a definite rear lot line. The rear lot line is calculated and the 40-fit setback determined. After determining the rear lot line setback of 40 ft, the addition is in compliance.

Timmersman I31-I38: Mr. Timmersman requested a permit for silt removal. Larry Kimmel said that Joe Hejnal and Marilyn Meyer would look at the property to determine where it should be staked so a permit can be issued and the work can begin.

Joe Hejnal is now back at the lake so any future building issues should now be addressed to him. President Sansone thanked Larry for his help during Joe's absence.


Kevin Seelbach report that the volley ball court is being prepared and more rock is being ordered for the parking lot so it can be leveled. On Saturday 14th April there will be a 9 a.m. lakefront planning meeting in the clubhouse to discuss the lakefront renovation followed by digging holes for landscape trees and telephone poles for lighting. The boat ramp and the proposed floating dock/marina will also be looked into.

2 bids have been received for grass cutting this summer from Wayne Aldridge and Pond Farm Services. Janet Hirsch made a motion, seconded by Marilyn Meyer to form a committee consisting of Larry Kimmel and Kevin Seelbach to review the bids, and make a decision on whom we will use and inform them as soon as possible. Motion passed. Larry said that volunteers will still be needed to help keep the grass cut in between their services. A sign up list will be available for volunteers.

Dam Committee

The water in the leak pool behind the dam is still clear and odorless and the water temperature is 44 degrees.

LTIA Lou Harting was not present but sent the following report:

The board and I would like to express our thanks for the cooperation of the LTPOA and our neighbors who continue to make a success of the various activities presented by the board. I would especially like to thank Jennie Kimmel and Barb Rohm and their respective spouses for a magnificent job on the crab boil which was both a popular afternoon as well as a financial success. I would also like to thank Mary Leiweke and her crew for making the Easter egg hunt a true community success story. The attendance was tremendous with an excess of 35 children and their families participating, none of whom failed to enjoy their visit with the Easter Bunny.

You will note the bead board for wainscoting the meeting room has been purchased and this should proceed shortly. Any volunteers will be welcome.

This coming Saturday will be the monthly dinner featuring ham. Bring a neighbor, friend and a dish to pass. Future plans include a Trivial pursuit night, Lake Tish Boat Poker, the boat parade and firework display and the annual golf outing.

We still need candidates for the king or queen of Tishomingo. Again, thank you all for your whole hearted cooperation.

Old Business

Clarue Holland will be notified to go ahead with installation of the dry hydrant at G36. The board agreed that the LTPOA will repair any damage to the asphalt drive caused by fire trucks using the dry hydrant.

The algae appear to be decreasing. Samples will be sent to the US geological office in Lawrence, KS to determine if the algae are toxic.

The lake's insurance policies are being reviewed by Martin Holland to determine exactly what we need to have insured and the costs involved. Bids from other companies will then be obtained for when the current insurance term ends.

The possibility of making the guard an independent contractor was discussed. This will be looked into further to insure we are in compliance with government regulations regarding independent contractors.

Pfifel Contracting has been contacted for an estimate for the pipe needed to lower the lake.

New Business

Janet Hirsch said that bathroom bonds are being sold for the joint LTIA/LTPOA project of remodeling the bathrooms. She said that we are asking people to loan the lake money to pay for this much needed project. $100 certificates are being sold and after the project is completed the money will be repaid by drawing of names as was the case with the air conditioning project a few years ago. It is estimated that the costs will very likely be in the range of $5000 to $6000 depending on the amount of volunteered labor etc. that we get. We hope to begin this project in May. President Sansone said that we have a wonderful building and the addition of updated bathrooms will make it even better. Larry Kimmel commented on how nice it looks with the painted walls.

With the possibility of sewers in the near future, Janet Hirsch made a motion, seconded by Kevin Seelbach to raise the cost of lake lots for sale to the following: Lakefront lots - $5,000, non lakefront - $2,000. Motion passed.

There being no further business, Larry Kimmel made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion passed. The meeting ended at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Pat Harting
