ATV Rules
Approved August 2006
- All riders must wear safety helmets.
- No more than two riders on an ATV.
- All ATVs must drive on the right side of the road and
yield to all other traffic.
- All ATVs must obey the 20 mph speed limit.
- All ATVs must remain off other people's property.
- No riding on dam or lakefront area allowed.
- No ATVs from outside the lake are allowed on lake
roads or lake property.
- All ATVs must be registered with the board and have
lot numbers and lake identification stickers.
- No racing allowed anywhere on lake property.
- All ATVs must be equipped with adequate muffler systems
- All ATVs must have proper headlights and taillights
to be run at night.
- No ATVs allowed on the lake when the lake is frozen.
Passed by the LTPOA Board July 14, 2009
Violation of the ATV rules will carry a $25 penalty.
If you observe anyone operating an ATV on private lots or off-road lake property you can report the trespassing to the Jefferson County Sheriff: (636) 797-5000.