January 15, 2004


Sewer Committee Meeting Minutes:  January 14, 2004,



Location: Ron & Charlene Sansone


Present:  Charlie Lents, Kenny Lanning, Hilda E. Schryver, Barb Rohm, Dixie Bryant, Chris Townsend, Lou & Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Ron Sansone, Mike Higgins, Henry Briym, Stan Schweiss, Carol Kline, David Fitzgerald. Absent: Janet & Rich Hirsch

Guest Speaker:  Doug, Project Manager, Fribis Bjornstad, P.E. (Project Engineer) from Fribis Engineering, Arnold, MO.


Fribis Engineering feasibility study would include:

·        Researching different options.

·        Feasibility Report: tax, lots, pipeline, grinder pumps

·        Water quality


Feasibility Study Cost for Sewers & Water:

·        $3,000.00

·        Duration:  approximately 6 weeks


Sewer System: 

$5,000-$10,000 per household and would include:

·        Grinder pumps.

·        Connection to main sewer.

·        Treatment facility (aeration tank)

·        Transmission lines.

·        Permit fees.

·        $30.00/month per household (would cover full time employee & taking solid waste out once/month. Partial will also go into escrow account for future repairs & clerical expense).


Water System:)

 Approximate figure (was not broken down):

·        $500,000  (this is in line with Metropolitan Engineering)


Fribis sewage plants and systems:  

·        Please check Gene Fribis’s two page report that was handed out last night. If you did not get a copy please let me know and we will get one to you.





Page 2


Other areas of discussion:



·        Hand-outs on Grinder Pump Installation (possible future presentation).


Thank you for your attendance, input & support.



Next meeting:


·      Tim & Hilda Schryver

·      Friday, February 20, 2004

·      7pm

·      7728 Meadow Drive (South Side)

·      Telephone: 636-285-4474


Agenda for next meeting:

Dixie Bryant

·        Presentation: Different Treatment facilities (Dixie will contact Dan Patterson from Missouri Sewer District to arrange a date)


Mike Higgins

·        Presentation: Lonnie Zavorka from Lake Wauwaunaka.



·        Charlie Lents informed me about including the physical address on the location of the meetings if they were not going to be held at the Community Center.  If your address is not in the Tishomingo booklet, please email or call me with it.  I would appreciate it. 


Thanks Charlie.