2006 Opinion Survey Analysis

Magnitude PercentQuestion
4.59 92% We should continue the program to test the quality of lake water.
4.55 93% We should monitor the leak in the dam.
4.49 86% Boat trailers in the community parking lot should be stickered to prevent illegal fishing.
4.27 88% Silt in the lake is a serious problem.
4.22 79% We should build silt basins to catch incoming silt
4.21 81% We should install a community sewer system
4.14 71% We should more diligently enforce the rules and regulations currently on the books.
4.01 77% A functioning security gate is important to the security of the community.
3.99 81% We should be more agressive in maintaining the roads.
3.88 68% Buildable lot size should remain at 40,000 sq ft.
3.70 63% We should repair and/or replace the entrance road.
3.60 52% We should repair the low water bridge on the south side.
3.60 53% We should clean up and mark the paths.
3.58 52% Silt removal should begin immediately.
3.53 53% We should replace the southside bridge.
Don't Care
3.37 41% We should repair the path and railing leading to the spillway on the south side.
3.34 49% The security gate should be closed at all times.
3.30 44% The current method of calculating assessments should be changed from front footage to some other method.
3.27 42% We should install a community drinkable water supply.
3.15 40% We should increase the hours the guard is on duty.
2.78 27% We should have full-time security guard.
2.53 16% We should decrease the hours the guard is on duty.
2.52 36% When the loan is paid off the special assessment will end. After that we should raise the assessments to pay for needed improvements
2.22 21% The gate is more trouble than it is worth.

2006 Opinion Survey Comments


Independent audit of financial records - accurate minutes of meetings.

boat ramp

I am a lot owner and I fish at the lake, the new wall and boat ramp are a very much needed improvement but in my opinion the slope of the ramp is not near steep enough and when the lake goes down, most people will not be able to put their boat in or out.

One day a week for pontoons able to run full speed (down middle oflake) or change 5 mph wake rule.

All state lakes have a speed limit instead of HP limit. We should allow owners to put length limit boats on lake with speed limit not horsepower limit. Why maintain a boat for Lake Tish only!


This is crap because none of you care what we think.


I believe charging Lake Tish residents to have to pay for a code when having a party to be abolished. A $25 fee charged is ridiculous to pay after paying assements to live here.

Keep gate down 24/7 — for UPS deliveries etc — either homeowner be there or give number code (4-digit) for entry.

grounds maintenance

My strongest complaint is the grass cutting around the lake and road entrance. You can't always depend on volunteers. Can the lake maybe buy a used commercial mower for volunteers to use. You'd probably get more people to volunteer to cut if we have the proper equipment. Maybe also enforce people (lot owners) to keep junk to a minimum that is visible from the road and cut their grass.

Clean up around the lake with landscaping throughout. Put more blugill in the lake for children to catch.

More attention needs to be paid to the smaller things around the lake that are not being done by the volunteers, grass cutting, tree trimming, ditches, etc.




More than just "monitor" — engineer's opinion necessary, repair ASAP.

We should repair the leak & not wait for a catastrophic event.

lot size

We could consider decreasing the lot size to maybe 30,000 sq ft but not back to the original single lot construction.

lower lake

Lower lake when needed, not on a set every 5 yr. Schedule work w/ the dry seasons, use it to lower lake further then.

Do not lower lake! Stupid idea!


Whatever is best to keep Lake Tishomingo the beautiful natural lake.

Consider a bathroom facility (port-a-potty?) for "day" fishers who do not own a home on the lake.

Once we have the money I would love to see the proposed community area (playground, volleyball, horse shoes, lot, etc.) become a reality!! The lake needs it.

Place rip-rap in creek at low water bridge. Tear down the "Berlin Wall" on north side of lakefront.

Make another exit until southside bridge is replaced.

Sansone property was not on the list. Why was it done?

Would like to see silt plan and know cost first. Cost is always a factor. The board needs to make sure it is getting value for each dollar spent!


All rules should be enforced. Stickers on cars & boats, lot #s on boats & docks, docks in disrepair torn down or repaired. Pontoon boats stopping to allow swimming should be required to stop only in the beach area — totally away from other boat traffic - close to ground. Swimming in (almost) the middle of the lake is dangerous and totally against the rules! Boats non showing block & lot number and sticker should be required to be parked until all registration requirements are met. Car & boat stickers should be paid by each person not by the lake.

When I was on the board, the board voted to make roads wide enough & to add required county features like street signs so that the county would be able to enforce laws — speed limits, etc. I do not remember a vote that changed this width, etc. This should be investigated.


Codify regulations passed from past elections.


Need larger stickers for boats and one for each side.


Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to the lake.


Keep up the good work and thank you.