The meeting started at 7:35 p.m. All members were present except for Dale Farwig, Treasurer. Rick Hannick, President opened the meeting with the following comments:
"There is not a lot in the agenda this evening, so we hope to keep this short and sweet. As always, please confine your comments and questions to the matter on the floor. If you have any questions or comments that are not part of the agenda, please wait until the floor is opened to everyone, and we will address them at that time."
MINUTES (Chris Townsend)
Chris read the minutes from the October 8, 2002 meeting. Kathy Hopfer made a motion to accept the minutes as read. Gary Ryan seconded the motion, based on the change that, "Signature Control mailed the components of the gate arm. They did not come out to fix and replace the stolen components." Upon this correction being noted the minutes passed unanimously.
Rick Hannick read the September and October Treasurers report's in Dale's absence. Chris Townsend accepted the Treasurer's report as read. Kathy Hopfer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
SECURITY (Gary Ryan)
There was a gate break on October 13, 2002. We have video footage of this incident, the time it occurred, and a description of the vehicle. However, we have not seen this vehicle since, but remain on the look out.
This past Friday, November 8, 2002 there was also a gate break. At this time there has not been a chance to look at the video yet.
Due to the Daylight Savings change the gate arm now has a 5 am to 5 pm schedule instead of the 6 am to 6 pm it had previously. It was discussed that since these are the dark hours of the night now, it was determined to leave the gate arm on the 5 am to 5 pm schedule.
Someone decided to throw eggs at the bulletin board and there was also a report from Jan Hunnicutt, H25-27, that there were some damaged mailboxes on the South side; thus causing scattered mail.
Gary stated the need for a pole to the right of the gate arm at the entrance side. Hopefully this will deter those from driving around the arm and breaking it. It was noted that this might cause more gate breaks in the beginning, but this way we will be more able to deter those repeat offenders, and catch them better on the video tapes.
The discussion was brought up again on people tailgating their way through the gate. It was noted that we couldn't change the sensitivity back, because of the possibility of someone bringing a boat through or something of the sort. However, as previously noted those offenders seen in violation will be handled in accordance with the law.
BUILDING (Carol Kline)
There was consideration because of the Lake water being low that the Williams application was looked at in such a short time frame. Carol wants to reemphasize that she does need and require 10 days prior to a regular monthly meeting for an application to be submitted for approval.
This application from Rick & Robin Williams, O17B - 19A, for a boatlift and dock was submitted for approval. The distance facing the lake to the nearest docks are 90 feet to the left, and 70 feet to the right. Kathy Hopfer made a motion to accept application. Chris Townsend seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
The members of the Board met with the members of the Building Committee and were able to come to an agreement on the proposed new Building Regulations. These will be submitted along with the monthly minutes this December. This way people will have enough time to review the proposed New Building Regulations before the special election.
Ed stated that he is working on getting Todd to go through and trim some of the branches that the big trucks are hitting.
Next week, weather permitting, Ed stated that he would like to have Todd come through and start burning some of the leaves in the ditches.
There was a report of a flat tire from someone pulling his or her boat out at the ramp next to the community house. Ed stated that there was a piece of reebar sticking up, and was likely the culprit. Therefore, there was some gravel placed there, and a torch used to cut the reebar.
It was also mentioned that the community ramp is caving in.
Ed stated that Todd would have a trailer with a propane tank, and a water tank while burning the leaves in the ditches. This way if something happens there will be a hose and water accessible.
SILT (Becky Harper)
Repairs to the discharge hose on the dredge were made to this month. It was replaced with a thicker more durable material. We had 2 ply that was replaced last year, and we now have 4 ply. This was acquired at the same price through a hose supply company as opposed to a dredge supply company. It pays to shop around, THANKS AGAIN for good research guys!
We will not winterize the dredge until it is necessary. Operation is going smoothly with the new dredging direction.
I would like to emphasize that boating will be very limited at the beach end of the lake this coming Boating season, due to the new dredging setup. Please be extremely careful when you enter this section of the Lake and the Committee will be adding extra visual effects to the cable to help make the Lake safe in the Operating Zone.
ROADS (Gary Ryan)
There was some questions pertaining sealing the center of the roads. Gary stated that he spoke with one person from Dura Seal and they indicated that you could seal it now, but it's best to maybe wait till the spring to let the roads cure.
On the other hand Gary also spoke with Bob Prince of Dura Seal who stated that sealing the center is a waste of money.
Rick stated that he felt that Bob Prince has been upfront and fair with us from day one, and he felt more sided with his advise. Chris stated for the possibility for us to contact someone from a County Road Maintenance crew in either Jefferson or St. Louis County to see what they do in their subdivisions.
Due to the conflicting advice it was determined that further professional opinion will be sought.
The question was asked by Gary of how much of an importance it really is to have the roads stripped. Chris stated that he got the impression from the few that mentioned it at the last meeting was that the concern was more for the curves at night. Tim Schryver, B-17-19, stated that he felt it would help deter the middle of the road driving.
Rick stated that the Patrol Boat sunk for a second time. It was determined that the center seam has a rip in it. We plan to have it fixed before the spring.
For those of you who may not already know, Janet Hirsch is developing the Lake's website. She stated that the website, is up and running! The most important elements on the website right now are: the calendar of events, LTPOA meeting minutes, forms such as LTIA membership, and Community House Rental are also on there. Downloadable Forms for gate passes and stickers are on the way, as well as Applications for Building. There is still a lot more to come, such as: LTPOA Restrictions and Rules, homeowner information, classified section, contributions, and photos. Mike Higgins is supporting the website. In closing Janet wanted to encourage history information, and photos.
Rick reiterated, on behalf of the Board how thankful we are for all of her hard work.
Chris asked the Board if there was a way for us to post the minutes on the bulletin board and website unofficial, and then read a synopsis at the meeting for it to be then formally adopted as read. Carol stated that she felt it would be better for them to be approved before they are posted.
Rick stated that it would be best advisable to prepare them, and get them to the Board members to approve prior to it being posted anywhere. He and Chris went further to agree that this process hopefully would then encourage more audience participation.
Jan Hunnicutt stated that she felt this would actually cause fewer turnouts.
Chris stated that he didn't think so, because, most of the minutes are a two to three month continuous repeat of the same thing. This is caused by the time in which the people get the information via the, "grapevine," or the quarterly mailings.
Someone from the audience asked if there was some commonality to the 4 fires that have happened since they moved here 3 years ago.
Chris stated as you may or may not know Mike and Wilma Davis, while out of town, had an electrical fire at their residence. The fire started about 5:00 a.m. two Sunday's ago and it was stated that Wilma had reported to Ameren U.E. prior that she kept having multiple power surges. Thankfully, no one was hurt, but truly unfortunate to come home to finding out that nearly everything you own is gone.
Much debate took place over dredge operation.
Ron Sansone stated that he had done some research and found that the dredge is capable of doing the job much faster.
Ken Allen asked if the operators could work either longer days, or hire some other help.
Ken Kline asked how far we have come, what projected end timetable we have, and how much has already been spent.
Gary Ryan suggested having more members on Silt Committee to help alleviate Butch and Al from having to make all the decisions as well as do all the work.
Ed Mitchell asked if we could get a professional to come out and spend the day with our guys and show them exactly what the dredge is capable of.
Chris reiterated minutes from August, which addressed most of the questions asked. He also reminded the audience that in August when Dale Farwig volunteered to join Silt Committee that a report would be compiled, and it was decided at that time, that within the next couple of months the Committee and the Board would get together over the winter to make any necessary changes.
Rick wanted to also remind everyone that it took nearly a year to remove the pile of sand along the beach area to the South Side. He also reaffirmed that over the winter months that the Board along with Silt Committee would get together and sees if there are ways to improve the Silt removal operation.
There was a question about a possible leak down by the dam, from which an approximate 5 gallons of water is being disbursed every minute.
Rick and Kathy stated that this leak in question has been looked at before to try and determine its origin through dye testing.
It is believed to be coming from a natural spring, which would imply a good thing.
There apparently still seems to be water seepage coming from a repaired area at the spillway.
Kenny Allen addressed a yearly peeling away of shelf-rock and other erosion happening to a once thought to be fixed basin area. Rick stated that he, and maybe along with Ed (time permitting), would meet with Kenny to look at this area of concern.
Kenny Lanning asked Ed if he could get with Todd and have him come and take a look at a clogged ditch.
Kathy Hopfer made a motion to adjourn. Chris Townsend seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m.