LTPOA Meeting Minutes
October 9, 2007
The meeting opened at 7:01 p.m. with the following board members present:
Janet Hirsch, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel, and Joe Hejnal.
President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes which had been posted on the web-site. Motion made by Marilyn Meyer, seconded by Larry Kimmel, motion passed.
Presidents Report
President Sansone began the meeting by stating that earlier today, the Sewer District had been granted $2,243,000 loan at 2% from the DNR. He said that a lot of interest was shown by those present. He said that we need to keep it in front of people as much as possible so that we can have a better chance of getting noticed by politicians etc so we have a better chance of obtaining the available monies. Larry Kimmel said that we still have time to keep searching for additional funding. Following the check presentation an informal meeting of the sewer board took place with the new engineer. President Sansone said that both the new engineer and the attorney are both very good and now everything is in place to make the sewer work. He thanked Rich Hirsch and everyone who has worked so hard in getting us to this point and stressed that now we need to work on getting our name in front of the people who fund programs such as our sewer project.
Several bids for silt removal were obtained and McLaren was chosen to do the job. As you can see from the large excavator at the causeway, he has already started. He is optimistic that he can remove between 150/200 loads of silt. The silt will be put on the back of President Sansone's property. He will be going up the 90ft that we own along the stream. McLaren is also talking to us regarding ideas for building the silt basins on both sides of the causeway.
The siphon pipe is now in. The end of the pipe still needs to be made secure before the siphoning can begin. Kardell has made a cap with an air valve in it just in case of an emergency and the water flow has to be stopped. The lake is now down 36" so it is an excellent time to test taking it down further and take measurements etc. The boat ramp will also be redone while the lake is down. Specifications have been obtained to do this. President Sansone said that following this test, we should be in a position to get fairly accurate estimates on the cost of more silt removal.
The other good news which everyone has probably noticed is that the entrance road has now been done. He said that this was a good time to do this before the road suffered any more deterioration and rather than just re-patch it, the road was totally redone. Hopefully the road should last at least 15 years before anything significant needs to be done to it. Striping down the center of the road is being looked into.
Treasurers Report
Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported for September
4 CDs have been purchased for a total investment of $40,000
$10,000 will be moved to the millennium account.
The bill for the road repaving will be $54,300.00
Larry Kimmel made a motion, seconded by Joe Hejnal to approve the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Marilyn presented the following bills for payment:
Liability Insurance 8,190.10
Postage for siphon letter 85.41
Pipe for siphon 4,004.88
Labor for pipe installation 412.50
Motion made by Joe Hejnal seconded by Larry Kimmel to pay the bills.
Motion passed.
Treasurer Meyer said that she had already got board approval to pay Reitz & Jens, consulting engineers $1,143.00. This is the company who came to advise on stopping the dam leak.
The bathroom project is moving along very well. Partitions are on order as is the glass block for the windows. The ceiling is in. President Sansone said the finished bathrooms will be first class. He said that we have a wonderful facility and now the bathrooms will compliment it.
Finance Committee
Janet Hirsch said that the Finance Committee has produced the YTD financial summary. She pointed out that we ended last year with a surplus of $51,240 and with the assessment income, our total cash on hand is over $200,000. This has facilitated our being able to do the entrance road and silt removal.
There was a lengthy confrontation between the security officer and a lake resident regarding a boating violation.
The card reader at the gate was knocked over and is now at a funny angle but it is still workable.
Janet Hirsch said that the deadline for the next newsletter is October 20th.
Marilyn Meyer said that lot owners who wanted to sell their lots could do so in the newsletter. This is free to members of the LTIA and $5 for non members.
Building Director
Joe Hejnal reported on the following permits:
Lauer - C55-59 - Railing on back of patio
Lippit - K7-8 - Steps on sea wall
Higgins - K29-31 - Remove and replace seawall
Thomas - K41-42 - Remove and replace seawall and dock
Condict - H17 - Replace steps and dock
Motion made by Janet Hirsch, seconded by Marilyn Meyer to approve the permits. Motion carried.
In the absence of Kevin Seelbach, President Sansone reported on the following:
· Bids are being obtained to put a roof over the foundation walls where the salt is now stored and turning this into the new maintenance shed.
· How nice the main road now looks and also the driveway going into the maintenance yard.
· A tree has fallen on a John boat in the maintenance yard. This was the one used to get out to the dredge. It probably is not worth trying to repair.
· Dave Whalen will be asked for a bid to trim along the north and south lakeshore. The entrance road and the lake front have already been done.
· Salt is used on the roads for ice.
· Joe Hejnal Jr. has been contracted to do snow removal again this year.
In response to a question from the floor, it was reported that the houses along the entrance road will be required to pave their driveways the same as lake residents.
Web Site
Janet Hirsch reported that the project list has been updated thanks to Russ Wilner.
Dam Committee
Dam Committee
Richard Hirsch reported for the committee.
Dave Taylor, members of the board and several lake residents met on the dam on October 6th. Mr. Taylor was confident that he could find exactly where the leak was and with the new technology and materials available today he was very optimistic that it could be stopped. He "liked" our leak and said that some of them he had been called on had been very difficult but that ours was a "nice" one which could be repaired. He is shooting for the spring to begin the project and is now in the process of getting all the required permits. It does not matter if the lake is down or not for the work to be performed. If everything goes according to plan the whole project could be completed in a month. Mr. Taylor is very familiar with the lake having once resided here. It is unclear at the moment whether an assessment will be needed to fund the project.
The following events are planned for the upcoming month.
· Saturday October 13 - celebrate Columbus Day with an Italian night. Everyone is asked to bring an appropriate dish.
· Saturday October 27 - Adult Halloween Party - Again this year this will be a fund raiser for breast cancer awareness. Cost is $25 for couples and $15 single. The band is Double Take and they will be playing from 8 p.m. to midnight.
· Sunday October 28 - Children's Halloween Party - 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Games, crafts and fun for all children. Magician Randy Kline has been hired to entertain.
New Business
Kenny Lanning made a suggestion that now the lake is down, lot owners could take this opportunity to remove debris and trash from the lake.
Joe Hejnal said that there had been another incident in the parking lot at around 1 am. last Friday night and proceeded to make "donuts" in the gravel and played their radios very loudly. He asked if the parking lot could be closed at night to prevent this.
Jerry Uhlenbrock asked about access to the lake roads being given to people who built outside of the lake boundaries beyond the second tier. Great concern was expressed that in the future the land just outside the lake would be used to build homes and these home owners would then be using the lake roads and putting boats on the lake without paying for the privilege. It was suggested that one solution could be that access to the lake would only be granted to those people owning lake lots. The board will seriously consider this and study what the options are. The lake attorney will be consulted to ensure the integrity of the lake subdivision for the future.
Barb Rohm said that the children's fishing contest had been cancelled due to the fact that the lake was too low.
There being no further business, Larry Kimmel made a motion, seconded by Joe Hejnal to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting ended at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting