The meeting started at 7:35pm. 6 Board members present and 19 lot owners.
Meeting opened with a special guest speaker, Mr. Martin Toma from the Jefferson County Sewer Commission. The following paragraph's were written by Janet Hirsch who has allowed me to quote her very efficient analysis of the presentation.
Jefferson County will build and operate wastewater treatment facilities for local communities. The steps involved are:
2/3rd acreage of the property owners yes vote or petition the County Commission to form a Neighborhood Improvement District (NID) for the purpose of making the physical improvements.
Jefferson County contracts with a company to perform the improvement.
When the work is complete, the County sells bonds to pay for the project. The property owners agree to pay the county a pro-rated share of the cost. The amount would be added to the annual tax bill for each property in the District.
The County Sewer Commission would be responsible for operating the facility and billing the users for the service."
Comments from floor:
K 7 I've heard by human rumble, that people will be forced to hook-up if it passes? Mr. Toma " I understand that there is a provision in your covenants that will cover this issue." President Townsend's reply " Yes, it is Article # 6,13 & 15 of Restrictions." President Townsend read the article to the attendee's.
F 29 When the previous board pursued this issue, Mr. Tesareau said we the Board could pursue it for improvement of subdivision, (which is a 2/3 of a majority vote by lot owners).
Mr. Toma recommended if we do try to proceed with sewers, we should have Jefferson County Public Sewer Dist. Operate the facility and then the LTPOA would not be responsible for billing or regulatory compliance forms info. Many thanks to Mr. Toma for his time and information. The board has much to consider in this matter.
Chairman Chris Townsend read his comments: First, I would like to take a moment and Thank everyone in attendance tonight from the September meeting. That was by far the smoothest LTPOA meeting I have witnessed. I hope we can follow the same format for all meetings, and all future meetings will run just as smooth.
A representative from the CPA firm, Huber, Ring & Helm is to get in contact with me this week to set time aside to meet with Dale and I on a price for Auditing the Lake's Financial Records to find a way to lower the Lake's tax burden. ( Has proven to be quite costly through this firm, will pursue other quotes.)
Last night, former President Rick Hannick contacted me regarding the FEMA application. It appears they are still in need of information. I faxed this requested information last night and plan to follow-up.
As of today, I have heard from only one person regarding their interest in the proposed assembly of a Budget committee. I would like at least one more volunteer. And, I have heard from know one regarding my proposal on the assembly of a Restriction/By-Laws Committee. I know from listening and hearsay, that you are recommending much needed change. I must emphasize that this is the area that needs these changes in writing and voted upon either by the Board in certain limited circumstances, or by the people. Before I or any other Board can fulfill these great ideas being asked, we need some volunteers.! This will not be an overnight project, it will take feedback, questionnaires and of course a vote. I look to the Public Relations Director, Ron Sansone and possibly a link from the Website Chairperson, Janet Hirsch to get this questionnaire and feedback started.
Last but certainly not least, the LOAN. Eagle Bank and Trust Senior Vice President, Mark Murray and I sat down on where the Lake stands in regards to paying back this DEBT. Come next year, the Loan will have to begin it's amortization schedule. It was believed and agreed by the Board members at the loans time of inception to begin its payback in October 2003, but then it was also a $400,00.00 loan. This is now a $450,000.00 loan and that once believed reality is simply impossible. Eagle Bank & Trust has agreed to sit down and see the fiscal burden the Lake faces and has agreed to grant a 12-year amortization, versus the original 10-year. I encourage each and every one of you to first: seriously consider a Permanent Assessment Increase. second: Pay your assessments on time every year. third: Think of ways to generate more revenue, and bring those ideas up at a meeting, or to a Board member. I just can't seem to swallow paying an estimated $254,350.00 in interest during my tenure, and leaving this burden on any future Board.
Treasurer's report: Dale Farwig
President Townsend made the following comment: " Dale has been extremely tied-up with current Grocery store strike and will have a report at next months meeting."
Everything has been quite lately, no incidents to report. Entrance gate time will be UP between 10:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday. Exit gate will remain down at all times.
16 violation letters were sent out. I received 7 responses, 1 application for a permit, 3 were turned over to the county, 3 were wrong lot #s and 2 no replies. I've made up complaint form that can be returned to me and I will proceed from there. I also have Jefferson County Sewer and Building complaint forms that can be faxed or brought to me or given directly to Jefferson County.
You can obtain a copy of the LTPOA Building Regulations at each monthly meeting or by calling me at 274-0468. President Townsend stated "If you do not want to turn someone in, please contact me and I will be more than happy to be the bad guy." 274-2305.
I would like to encourage anyone with any idea's for Fundraising, to contact myself or Ron Sansone. The funds raised will help enable us to meet some our current deficit for the 2003/04 estimated budget.
Men are still working on the equipment for winter. Maintenance yard is almost completely cleaned up again. The boat trailer has been repaired by maintenance and is now parked on the Community House parking lot. A tree was cleared from I-cove, which had fallen on a lot owner's boat.
Most of September, the Dredge was down for cable repair. It took almost 3 weeks to receive the delivery. After cable replacement, the operators reported the Dredge moving more freely. They also replaced the Service pump belt for $170.00 parts and labor, Fabick wanted $450.00 parts and labor. Every little bit counts!!
October 28th is the 1 year Anniversary of the Website. I currently have 56 people on E-Mail list that I send information to regularly. In addition to Survey's and Building Regulations, we are now offering Christmas Cards available through the Lakeside Gardeners Club that are personal scenes from the Lake. Cost $10.00 a pack.
President Townsend stated he is going to get the Restrictions, By-Laws & Regulations that are currently on file at the Jefferson County Courthouse. This is to make sure that when we post them on the Website, they will be of legal stature.
Patrol season is over and I will be storing the boat at my dock for the winter. It will make it a little easier for Morris to take a look at it before next Patrolling season. An enormous THANK YOU to all volunteers.
The stickers we currently have displayed will be honored for 2003 & 2004.
Gary Ryan asked if lots that are listed on the Website as a group, can they be sold separately? President Townsend replied "Yes, by either."
Meeting adjourned at 9:52pm.