LTPOA Meeting Minutes September 14, 2004
The meeting opened at 7:08 p.m. with the following board members present:
Ray Lauer, Matt Holloran, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Chris Townsend
And 37 lot owners.
The minutes of the August 10 meeting were read.
Phil Chambers made a request that the minutes of the meetings be continuous in the newsletter rather than placed around the ads. He also questioned wording of the ad for the garage sale and a couple of items that were added in parenthesis, the garage sale and the requirements for building over property lines after July 2004. These items were discussed. President Sansone made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Matt Holloran, motion passed.
President Sansone reported on the "Town Meeting" where the garage sale and other pertinent items were discussed. He said it was a good meeting and he was willing to discuss any items that still needed to be discussed. It was not too long ago he said that it was stated that we had unlimited cash, however, that was never been the case. Only $150,000 is taken in and with the extra assessment you can add $50,000. $280,000 was spent on dredging and $435,000 on the roads which was a great improvement but this has to be paid for. Therefore, when you look at the budget you will note that there is no discretionary money for anything. The volunteers by leaf removal, grass cutting, etc. has saved us approximately $1,800 per month.
President Sansone then said that the Wednesday preceding the regular meeting would be the "pre-board meeting" and anyone is invited to come to this meeting and bring up items for discussion.
Treasurer's Report
Linda Fulford was unable to be present at the meeting and President Sansone said that the new computer system was up and running and it would in future be much easier to understand the financial reports. The discrepancy in the totals questioned by Chris Townsend would be explained in the new reporting system. There was however a problem with a misplaced payment book and numerous bank statements, so we were going to go to online banking to eliminate these problems in the future. Instead of the mailbox at the lake, a post office box would be implemented. With regard to the outstanding assessments, a committee would be formed to call those lot owners so that legal fees could be avoided. Rick Hannick said that this was the path followed in the past. Jerry Uhlenbrock questioned the late payment fee of $25 on the bank loan payment. This occurred because the payment book was not available and Linda has volunteered to pay the penalty for late payment herself. Phil Chambers graciously stated that if the board came across a truly hardship case for non-payment of the assessments, please contact him before the attorney.
Janet Hirsch then read a letter from Linda (attached) and displayed overheads explaining the financial situation (Contact Janet or an LTPOA board member to obtain a copy). Janet then said that at the meeting in June it was stated that the principal on the loan was $329,000 and she presented slides (Contact Janet or an LTPOA board member to obtain a copy) documenting the differences in the numbers showing that the actual amount is $346,988.71. She then stated that during the coming week a loan reduction payment of $20,000 would be made, prepaid special assessment of $1,052.00 have been received and $550.00 in donations for loan reduction and $600 in overpayment of special assessments. These people will be contacted to see if they want their money returned or applied to the loan principal as pre-paid. In terms of the special assessments, currently we have assessments due of $5,800.
The question arose with regards to the $3 special assessment and why people were still being required to pay on it. Rick Hannick explained that the $1 for two years was to repair the spillway and when that expired it was passed as a permanent assessment and then the $3 assessment was passed until the loan was paid off. Charlie Lents asked for clarification on how the $27,000 initially reported by Chris Townsend related to the report. Chris stated that there was no dollar amount on the paper work when it was signed by the previous board and discussion followed with the bank on the loan term and the amortorization amounts. He then recommended that the books be audited by an independent auditor.
Rick Hannick stated that the restrictions mandated that books be audited between May 1 and the annual general meeting. Matt Holloran said he understood that when this was looked into in the past the cost of the audit was prohibitive and was therefore dropped. In response to the statement that we had restrictions that had to be abided by, he responded why do you want to abide by restrictions now with the change in the board but for the last three years this has not been done. However, even though we are still in a transition period from the old board to the new and a lot of documents have not yet been made available to the new board, in order to clarify the $27,000 issue an audit should be done.
Dale Farwig stated that the audits performed in the past were simply checking that the checks were going to the right people. Phil Chambers stated that the restrictions do not require a certified public accountant. He said surely we have an accountant in the development. Phil Dodge will be contacted to see if he would be willing to perform the audit. Chris Townsend made a motion, seconded by Matt Holloran to look into hiring an accountant to audit the books. Jerry Uhlenbrock questioned the trailer rental revenue and asked who had the keys for the trailer. Morris Sallee has the keys. Mr. Marschuetz requested clarification on the rate of the current loan, it is 5 ½% for three years. President Sansone made a motion to accept the treasurer's report as stated, motion made by Chris Townsend seconded by Matt Holloran, motion passed.
Security Director's Report
Ray Lauer reported that since the last meeting he has had no reports of vandalism but he is still receiving complaints of speeding. He has also received complaints about dogs running loose. He said that complaints should be addressed to the Jefferson County Animal Control 797 5577. The lake guard works for them. With regard to the problems with the gate Ray reported that Signature Control were able to install an electrical by-pass to the gate. The surge protector was damaged by the storm, this part is being located, and the batteries need replacing. He said that he and Gary were meeting so that he could learn how to use the computer for the gate. Gate passes would soon be issued to those requesting them but he wanted to make sure that the gate worked prior to issuing them. Signature Control's cost for repairing the surge protector is $388, which does not include the batteries. The insurance has a $250 deductible and he will look into this to see if the damage to the gate was caused by the storm.
There was a request for a stop sign by the bus stop. It was also discussed that the school bus pick up the children in the community house parking lot for safety reasons. Kathy Hopfer as president of the LTIA will contact the bus company and the school to see if this is possible. If it is, then in the winter the parking lot will also have to be snow plowed.
In response to the question of new car stickers, Ray Lauer said that he had a lot of old ones and in the interest of economy, these would be used until they ran out.
Jerry Uhlenbrock suggested that a gate committee be formed to ensure continuous monitoring of the gate. The problem is that the computer for the gate is in Ray's home, however if he is out of town, there is a key, which can control the gate and bring it into the upright position.
A problem with dogs from lot C12 was brought up. Animal control should be contacted. It was requested that a letter be sent to the owners.
Building Director
Becky Harper was not present at the meeting. Chris Townsend brought up the issue that the size of a new building had been unfortunately omitted from the building restrictions. A motion was made by Chris, seconded by Matt, that 1200 sq. ft, excluding the garage was the minimum square footage for new construction. Motion carried.
George Goetz, K24 was concerned that he was waiting a long time for approval of his second floor addition. After questions concerning his septic system, he stated that the two-second floor rooms were not bedrooms and there was no bathroom in the addition. Phil Chambers reported that the number of bedrooms only became an issue at the sale of the property.
D58-D62 new second tier construction. Discussion on the fact that this construction does not yet have a building permit from the lake. Matt Holloran and Becky Harper have both contacted the owner and an attempt was made to stop the work, however this did not prove possible. The neighbors were concerned about the mud on the roads. Becky had been in contact with the contractor and had tried to have the project stopped. Matt said that he had also communicated with them but it was not easy to stop them. A discussion followed regarding building regulations at the lake. It was reported that earlier, Jefferson County would only grant building permits if the project was in compliance with the requirements of the lake. President Sansone said that he would call Ed Kemp to determine current regulations.
Hilda Schryver asked if the owner of the damaged culvert across from her had called back. Matt said that he had not. After discussion on the cost, Matt said that it would cost approximately $300 to repair the culvert and this would have to wait until money was available for general repairs at the lake.
Maintenance Director
Matt reported that there had been no activity with the dredge. The people who were interested had declined to make an offer. He said that as soon as he had someone who made an offer he would present it to the board. Discussion then followed on the sale of the dredge and of its approximate value. Items that had to be taken into account were that we do not have the money to pay for its operation, the insurance or the maintenance and even though the dredge had been maintained, the pontoons had not and they were now badly in need of repair. Gale Lents asked if we could not afford to do our own dredging and stated that in 1993 the lake spent $125,000 for silt removal. Catch basins were still recommended, however once again it was now a financial consideration. Barbara Fitzgerald questioned why Fred Ross had been invited to talk to us in view of the fact that we do not have available money for dredging purposes. President Sansone said that Mr. Ross was in the area and willing to come and talk to the lake about his dredging operations. The dam area was discussed. The back of the dam needs to be cut. Matt asked for volunteers, Stan Schweiss and Lou Harting volunteered. Burning of the vegetation was not an option as it was too high. The use of a bush hog was discussed. Matt said that he had a "bobcat" type of machine on tracks that will go up and down the dam however Rick Hannick said that caution had to be used on the back side of the dam not to cut up and down but to cut crossways. The Volunteers said that they would cut the trees down at the back of the dam. Gale Lents asked if the spillway was required to be kept clean. Rick said yes it had to be kept clear 10ft from the end of the baskets.
Saturday September 18 is volunteer day. Please meet at the club house at 9 a.m. Phil Chambers asked if the "green machine" had been located. No the machine had not been located.
Finance Committee
Janet Hirsch reported that the next Finance Committee meeting would be on Thursday September 23 at 7 p.m. in the community building.
Web Site
The combined LTIA/LTPOA newsletter was sent out August 28. The deadline for inclusion in the next newsletter is October 17. Advertising of the community garage sale was discussed. Janet reported that after a lot owner stated that he would call the sheriff if any outsider tried to enter the lake for the sale, the community garage sale was cancelled. The $5 fee was to help defray the cost of the newsletter. However, several individuals did have garage sales and $21 was collected to help with the cost of the newsletter. Jerry Uhlenbrock suggested that it be put to the vote as to whether the lake should be open to the general public for such things as garage sales. The rental of the community building was then discussed as this is also opening up the lake to the general public.
Sewer Committee
The next meeting of the sewer committee has not been set.
Boat Patrol
Roger Hovis was not present. Matt Holloran read a letter from Roger. No problems had been encountered on the lake since the last meeting other than exceeding the speed limit for pontoons, however the board can only write offenders and request they come before them. The steering cable on the patrol boat is in need of repair. The cost will be approximately $50.
Kathy Hopfer asked if the boat patrol could sit in her cove on Sunday nights as a boat is entering the cove pulling an inner tube too quickly. She was unable to obtain the number on the boat.
Jerry Uhlenbrock reported that the Health Department had tested the lake and all the coves for E. coli and fecal coliform. Please contact Jerry if you need specific information concerning your cove. Of concern at present is the fact that some washing machines are bypassing the septic systems and it is feared that the runoff is going directly into the lake.
New Business
Kathy Hopfer brought up the fact that Becky does not have a key for the office building. After discussion, Matt said that arrangements would be made for Becky to be given access to the building.
Mrs. Marschuetz brought up the problem of the garbage collection. There are now three garbage trucks coming into the lake and consequently there are always garbage cans on the side of the road and the trucks themselves are causing damage to the sides of the road. The former Triple D garbage collection was acquired by Waste Management. The lake used to have an agreement with Triple D that they would pick up for free from the community house and the maintenance yard in return for being the only garbage collector allowed at the lake. However, there was no written contract to this effect. It was suggested that we put the garbage collection out for bid and recommend that the lake use the winner. Matt said that he would call them for pricing. It was questioned as to whether boats could be stored by the lake, this would not be possible because of the liability problems.
Lisa Mahoney requested clarification on the easement around the lake. It is 10ft. She has had a problem with her next-door neighbor cutting down her wildflowers on the easement.
Dale Farwig said that he would try to make a trip with the cans this coming week.
Rick Hannick said that October 2 was the date for the poker tournament. There will be an entry fee of $25. Call Rick or Dixie Bryant for details.
There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting