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LTPOA Meeting Minutes
August 14, 2007

The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. with the following board members present: Janet Hirsch, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel, and Joe Hejnal.

President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes which had been posted on the web-site. Motion made by Joe Hejnal, seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion passed.

Presidents Report

President Sansone said that there were a lot of items on the agenda to be discussed and therefore he would not make an initial report but begin immediately with the treasurer's report.

Treasurers Report

Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported for July. Marilyn presented the following bills for payment:

100 gate cards: 384.42;, Dale Whalen - mowing entrance road & around buildings: 285; Dale Whalen _ mowing back of dam: 1,510; Maintenance: 31.19; Installation of telephone poles & cable at spillway and southside turnaround: 1,000.; Labor for dock installation: 1,470.63; Legal quarterly; 3,122.11; Portable toilet: 90.00

Motion made by Joe Hejnal seconded by Larry Kimmel to pay the bills. Motion passed.

Finance Committee

Ron Sansone reported that the Finance Committee met on August 11. Janet Hirsch said that the year to date report was available at the meeting. The proposed budget for the coming year was also available. She said that it was expected that $162,000 would come in from assessments. There was a surplus of $51,000 from the past year which gives a total of $213,000 total. Janet then read the largest budget items:

Entrance road repair 54,000

Dam leak repair 30,000

Pipe to lower lake 25,000

Silt removal 15,000

Insurance 15,000

Bobcat payment 13,992

Security guard 12,000

The remainder of the regular operating items were each less than $8,000.

Janet asked for a motion by the board to accept the new budget for the fiscal year. Motion made by Joe Hejnal, seconded by Marilyn Meyer. Motion passed.

President Sansone said that bids had been sought to repair the entrance road, which is in a deplorable state. He said that large sections will have to be taken out and the whole road will then have to have a new overlay. He said that by doing this it was hoped that the new road would last for 12 to 15 years. He said that this is the lake's main road and it needs to be repaired correctly.

Clarue Holland questioned the $30,000 for the dam repair. It was explained that this was seed money to get the various legal/DNR/plans etc. in place plus get estimates on the actual cost. It may be necessary to request a special assessment to pay for the needed repairs. It is expected that the repair will cost more than $30,000.

There was a discussion on the $25,000 for the pipe to lower the dam and the location of the pipe. One of the big problems with placing the pipe over the spillway is that once you get the pipe over the spillway there is a flat section of approximately 400 ft. which would make it difficult to put the pipe in at that location. The pipe will therefore very likely be placed on the north side of the dam which would lower the cost of the project considerably. Drawings are being obtained for the project to submit to the DNR for their approval. Once this is obtained we can then proceed. Rick Hannick said that he has drawings from 8 years ago when the spillway was repaired.

The lowering of the lake was questioned and President Sansone said that this would make it easy to remove silt, particularly from the area by the boat ramp and also allow lot owners to fix their seawalls and docks. The silt taken out could very likely be placed at the back of President Sansone's property or on the junk yard at the four way stop. Rick Hannick asked if it would be cheaper to rent a pump to lower the lake. President Sansone said that he did not know the cost of this but the majority of lakes do siphon out the water. Larry Kimmel explained that siphoning would be the best way to get the water down far enough so that the delta which was forming at the causeway could be dealt with. Lot owners would be given sufficient notice that the lake was going to be lowered in order that they could make their own plans on anything they needed to do. The majority of the people voted for lowering of the lake on the ballot at last year's election. The lake would very likely be lowered after labor day so that the summer use of the lake would not be affected. A place would be found where boat owners could take out their boats prior to the lowering. The fire department would also be notified when the lake was being lowered in case of fire.


Larry Kimmel reported that the following individuals had been sent a letter requesting they come to the board meeting because of repeated violations of the boating safety regulations. He asked if representatives of the Neuner, Uhlenbrock or Ryan Sr. households were present. As none of them had had the courtesy to come to the meeting (Ryan Sr. had sent a letter), Larry said that the board would have to contact legal counsel. He said that this was obviously a ridiculous situation but it had been decided by the board that legal counsel would not be sought until after a letter to the individuals had been sent giving them the opportunity to talk to the board. All three lot owners have been chronic offenders, failing to comply with the lake patrol. Larry went on to say that it is your lake and these are safety issues. When you get owners who refuse to follow the rules, he questioned why these people thought they were exempt from the rules. President Sansone said that there had been other occasions in the past when letters had been sent and 9 times out of 10 the lot owners would come in and the issue would be resolved.

Counsel would also be sought on new safety guidelines and establishing posted fines etc.

It was questioned as to whether names should be published. Larry stated that yes they should. He said that we are a civil society and we live by rules and regulations. If they choose not to follow the rules and do not have respect for the community, then he was not concerned about their anonymity. It was then said from the floor that people did not want to know who had not paid their assessments. This, said Larry, was not about paying assessments, it was about safety violations.


Janet Hirsch reported that the deadline for the next newsletter was August 20th. The website has been updated with the current project list.

Building Director

Joe Hejnal reported the following requests:

• A 29/A30 - Petrolie. Boat ramp, sea wall, retaining wall

• Edith Young - F23/F23/F24., Boat lift with canopy

• E16/E17 - Orton. Addition to house, Jefferson County permit has been obtained

• C67- Glasgow. Deck - Jefferson County permit has been obtained

• F13 - James Gray. Attached lift and dock

• K25A-K26A - Fuller. Extension of previous permit and new permit for a dock

• G1-G4 - Schopp. Deck - Jefferson County Permit has been obtained.

• I9- I17 - Haas. Location of a 4ft x 20ft retention wall at the back of a cove. Approval would be contingent upon verification of the location.

Motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Marilyn Meyer to approve the permits. Motion passed.


Joe Hejnal reported on the progress of identifying those homes that still needed to pave the first 20ft of their driveways. President Sansone said that three bids were in the process of being obtained from paving contractors so that the cost of this could be minimized. Once these had been obtained, letters would be sent to the individual lot owners and also to the contractors so the contractors could deal with the lot owners individually. If driveways were not paved by lot owners, these would be done by the lake and the lot owners would have the cost added to their assessments.

President Sansone asked Rick Hannick if he was still interested in purchasing the blue truck at a cost of $500. Mr. Hannick said he would think it over.

The tractor is not for sale.

Dam Committee

Richard Hirsch reported for the committee.

Old Business

President Sansone said that there had been several meetings concerning the planting of water willow in the lake, both with the TAA and their representatives, Marvin Boyer-Busch Wildlife and Kenda Flores- MO Dept of Conservation and also with the board. The latest one had been held on Friday August 3rd. It was determined that approximately 3 to 4 years ago without any given permission from the Board the TAA decided to introduce water willow into the lake. The Board has been receiving complaints from residents.

The intention of the TAA was that the introduction of water willow would make a better habitat for the fish. After meeting with the conservation representatives it was discovered that the water willow had to be controlled and to control it chemically required the services of a licensed operator. It was estimated by a private company representative that for a lake of this size, it would be a minimum of $500 to $1,000 per year to control it.

President Sansone said that long range the water willow will be a big headache for the lake. He said that even though he was not here at the time, residents would remember the problem of excessive vegetation in the lake when swimming and boating were not possible. This he said culminated in the introduction of the grass carp to eat the vegetation. The problem with the water willow is that it can spread on its own and when it blooms it can go anywhere. Additionally grass carp do not eat it. The TAA presented a list of items they would do to control the water willow and this was questioned by the board in terms of manpower and available funds. President Sansone then asked for a motion that the water willow be removed. This brought the following statements from the floor:

• Water willow can be easily pulled out _ the conservationists said that even if it is pulled out the rhizomes are still in the water and they will continue to grow. A herbicide called Habitat was the best means of killing it. The board has had no assurance that this is going to be controlled by the TAA.

• The lake is to be used for the enjoyment of residents, fishing, boating and swimming. Without some type of vegetation, the lake would have to be stocked with fish as they would not breed properly. Water willow would cut down on the stocking needs. Not having water willow would not stop fishing.

• On the question of whose authority the TAA introduced water willow to the lake, it was stated that the TAA obviously did not think they needed permission to plant a plant on their property. The board then stated that the water in front of lake lots is not any individual's property, but it was the property of all lot owners.

• It would harm the fish if the water willow were removed. Black plastic drainage-pipe fish huts were discussed as being very viable, safe alternatives to water willow. These had been mentioned at every meeting with the conservationists but the TAA had not mentioned the use of them. The LTPOA will work with the TAA to put these in the lake. Fish huts are made of 4" corrugated black pipe which are held at the bottom of the lake with rock. They are approximately 3'/4' tall and 4'x4' square and are put in water deeper than 10ft so as not to cause any problem to swimmers or boaters. The fish huts provide excellent protection to fish.

• Water willow will help clean the lake. In fact water willow does very little for the condition of the lake. It does not significantly filter the water nor does it get rid of phosphates because its leaves are above the water.

• Water willow looks nice along the concrete seawalls. It is not in many places. As the board pointed out at the moment it is not everywhere but action was needed to ensure that the lake would still be usable for all activities in 10 to 20 years.

• The TAA has very limited funds. They only get money from the sale of aluminum cans. They therefore would not have the necessary funds to control the water willow.

• Water willow is primarily for erosion control in streams.

Janet Hirsch again made a motion, seconded by Larry Kimmel to adopt the guidelines from the TAA for the control and management of water willow.

The vote was as follows:

Joe Hejnal No

Larry Kimmel No

Marilyn Meyer No

Ron Sansone No

Janet Hirsch No

Pat Harting No

Motion did not pass.

Larry Kimmel then repeated his motion from last month's meeting, seconded by Marilyn Meyer:  All the water willow be removed from the lake by the TAA by April 2008.

The vote was as follows:

Joe Hejnal Yes

Larry Kimmel Yes

Marilyn Meyer Yes

Ron Sansone Yes

Janet Hirsch Yes

Pat Harting Yes

Motion passed.

The leak in the dam was discussed. According to the engineers, fixing the dam within the next two years would be a necessity. If the leak is fixed now, with the modern products now available, it should not need further repair for at least 20 years. Please see an expanded Dam committee report on the web site. The possibility of having a special assessment to pay for the repair was discussed.

New Business

Kathy Allen presented information to prove her ownership of a dock. She said that she had had this paperwork since 1962. The law suit against her neighbor for the dock did not resolve the issue. She said now the dock in question was in need of repair and asked for a permit to repair it. The board said they would look into this further.

There being no further business, Larry Kimmel made a motion, seconded by Janet Hirsch to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting ended at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Pat Harting