LTPOA Board of Directors Meeting Aug 9, 2005

7 pm. Present: Matt Holloran, Ray Lauer, Ron Sansone, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel, Kevin Seelbach, and 23 lot owners. Absent: Pat Harting.

July Minutes

Correction: payroll expense should have been $710.80 instead of $710.10. Minutes accepted with the correction.

Treasurer’s report

Cash in flow<
> Utilities $116.18 <
> Special Assessments $ 4598.28 <
> Regular Assessments 74319.73 <
> Gate passes 75.00 <
> Party passes 50.00 <
> Gate damage 525.00 <
> Interest 27.08 <
> Donation for loan 500.00 <
> Ad for newsletter 50.00 <
> Total incoming cash 80,145.09 <

Cash out flow<
> Loan Payment $ 4489.55 <
> Loan payment from MM 6500 <
> Security Guard 355.40 <
> Administrative 273.28 <
> Taxes 1159.46 <
> Utilities 113.60 <
> Patrol Boat Motor 4600 <
> Total cash out flow 17,603.56 <
> Checking Account Balance 100,033.63 <
> Money Market Balance 1,854.18 <
> Loan as of 7/5/05 162,988.97 <
> Payment 7/18/05 from MM 3500 <
> Loan as of 7/31/05 159,488.97 <

Delinquent Assessments 2004-2005 received<
> Regular $658.60 <
> Special $100 <

Two properties have been returned to lake due to legal action, now only 7 cases left with a court date of August 23, 2005.

Treasurer requested permission to turn over to attorney all delinquent (regular and special) assessments September 1, 2005. By unanimous vote this motion passed. Therefore: all assessments not paid by September 1 will be turned over to attorney for prosecution. Notice will be placed in the newsletter to this effect. Treasurer’s report accepted.

Treasurer presented bills to be paid:<
> $246 Will Electronics (gate repair)<
> 450 Signature Control (gate repair)<
> 1027.72 Second quarter legal bill<

By unanimous vote these bills were approved for payment.<

Finance Committee

Finance committe prepared a draft budget and requested a special Finance Committee meeting with the Board members to finalize the budget. Finance committee will meet Tuesday, August 16, 2005 at 7pm at the Community House.


Ray Lauer read his security report and the patrol boat report from Roger Hovis.


Items approved:<
> Ahlemeyer, K29-30-31, new dock and boatlift<
> Pipkins, K11-12, new septic system<
> Niebling, B13-14, new septic system<
> Frauenfedler, K32-33, repair existing rock pad with wood platform <
> Lalk, D16-15b, replace seawall<

Problem: A32b-34 built “superdock” and refuses to comply with regulations. The Board authorized attorney to send letter directing owner to comply within 30 days by removing center section or the LTPOA will remove it and bill the owner.

Problem: dumping of branches, trees, and stumps in lake. Larry Kimmel will consult with TAA regarding proper method for creating fish cover.


This is a good time to install a seawall. We need to spend money on asphalt road repairs. Many trees need trimming over the roads. At 6290 N Lakeshore Drive “BM Bennett & Daughter” did some damage to road — said he would repair it. Make sure if you hire a contractor he repairs any damage to roads. Will clean up maintenance yard. Matt will make list of stuff to remove. We need donations for patrol boat fuel. Matt will have estimates for road repairs ready for finance committee. Matt is getting prices on culvert pipe for N Lakeshore Dr.


Ice cream social this Sunday 3pm, everyone invited.


Newest material is the notice about Adam Harting. Thank you to Ray Lauer for writing the memorial notice. Newsletter deadline is Aug 21.

Old/New Business

Gebel is taking silt — anyone else who wants silt should contact Matt.

Adjourned 8:09pm.