August 12, 2003

Meeting started at 7:35 pm 5 board members present. In Chris Townsend's absence, Becky Harper started meeting by apologizing for Mr. Townsend's absence, he stated he would be joining the meeting around 8:30 pm. Per our phone conversation.

Motion made by Mr. Sansone to prohibit smoking during monthly meetings. Passed unanimously by remaining board members.

Acting chairman Becky Harper welcomed back the lake employees Al, Butch & Wayne stating Todd would not be returning.

Dale Farwig read the Treasurer's report and it was approved unanimously by the board. Mr. Farwig stated we have made a Budget up to show each director what their particular spending allowance is and how much they have spent so far this fiscal Budget, this should allow each Director more insight on monies spent. There will not be any extra money, so many things may go undone.

Security: Gary Ryan:
Wayne is back working on Fridays & Saturdays. He responded to two calls on Aug. 9, one an assault on one neighbor by another, and a deceased resident on the North side that was ruled accidental. Wayne's police scanner allows him to be on the scene much faster than the police can be here, this has proven to be very advantageous in many instances.

Gate passes are $5.00 each, due to increased cost of cards.

Floor comments: I 27 Why is gate up on weekends? There is very little construction on Saturday or Sunday. Gary stated if there is no opposition to the gate being down all day on Sunday starting after Labor Day weekend the gate will be down all day on Sundays. He felt if he talked to the Hillsboro Postmaster about the mail lady using a pass on Saturdays we could possibly keep it down all day on Saturdays as well.

D 29 asked what about the guests that are coming to the Community House when it has been rented? Gary stated he wished there could be something we could do to help that situation. G 6 asked if a temporary number could be programmed for those guest that would expire the same day? Gary stated this could be possible.

B 37 asked if the police come out when there is a nonresident or unwelcome guest on the Lake? Gary stated that they do not mind coming out for this and they are issuing a warning ticket for first offense and second offense is a citation/fine.

Building: Carol Kline
C 10 Boat Dock - unanimously approved. D 22 Boat Lift - unanimously approved. K 29 Boat Lift - Tabled pending drawing, has been inspected by Carol and meets the footage requirements set forth in the building restrictions.

Floor comments:

K 7 Is there any restrictions on the amount of boat docks that can be put in by a lot owner? Mr. Townsend stated this is still being discussed by the board, but as of now, no.

There was much discussion over what is a detached structure and what is considered an appropriate attachment. Our current restrictions are very vague on both issues.

Carol stated that anyone can submit a violation to Jeff. Cty. And that more than one submission per violation will get a faster response. She offered complaint forms for violations to anyone who wanted them.

B 7 asked How long do the violators have to respond after receiving notice? Carol responded 30 days.

No Report Eddie Mitchell was absent.

Roads: Gary Ryan
Gary has inspected the South side roads and will be inspecting North side. He does not see any damage due to product application so far Warranty runs out on roads in September.

All problems are due to rain water run off. The entrance road from H.H.Spgs. To Marler home will be repaired by maintenance with hot patch.

D 29 asked about Bridge repair? Mr. Townsend stated he spoke with FEMA and we are being considered , pending letters from two lot owners on south side stating the need for the bridge repair. Dale Farwig and Kathy Hopfer have volunteered to write these letters .

B 17 asked How often and where do the landscapers mow? Dale replied the flats every 2 weeks and ditches once a month. B 17 stated that they are not mowing common area in B cove.

Silt Report: Becky Harper
The operators have only been back to work for 6 days, dredge is running well so far and they are looking forward to finishing the season without further layoffs.

Chris Townsend stated he has observed the dredge in action, and feels that the progress is being done the only way it can to be efficient. No Matter what depth we dredge at, there will still be obstacles encountered. Both operators have different techniques, with the same results. The main body of water will not be dredged , only problem areas and coves as far it can reach.

G 12 asked if a cable was necessary for the dredge to perform? Yes, that is what pulls it along the dredging path. K 29 asked if it took two people to run the dredge? Becky replied at times it is required. K 29 also asked if the men get Medical Ins.? No employee does. B 37 stated he feels the berm is washing out in an area close to bridge and might possibly wash back into the lake. Becky stated there is a 60 ft. base and is at least 40 ft. deep.

Website: Janet Hirsch
The website is getting about a 100 hits a day! The most popular page that is clicked on is the page that contains the unofficial LTPOA meeting reports.

Patrol Boat: Ed Melchoir
He states he is very proud of all the volunteers and they are doing a great job. He thanked Dale Farwig for filling the gas tanks. There were 3 incidents of nonresidents on the lake, they left immediately after being told they were in violation. A pontoon boat ran out of gas and was given some by the patrol to get back to there dock. Motor on patrol boat is in bad shape and the boat will be taken out in September.

Morris Sallee has once again agreed to take a look at it for us. Thank you, Morris! There are 21 violations that have been submitted to the board concerning boats and docks. Thank you Phil and Dee.

Old business from the board:
Lowery shed has been deemed as satisfactory.

The entrance road will be repaired within the week.

New business from the floor:
C 27 thanked the board for not smoking during the meetings. D 29 asked that cigarette butts not be thrown on ground, please dispose of them properly.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm. Approximately 30 people in attendance.