Meeting started at 7:35pm all board members present and 31 lot owners in attendance.
Chairman's comments:
I want to welcome our 2 new Board Members, Becky Harper, Secretary who received 1312 votes, and Ron Sansone, Public Relations/Communications who received 1383 votes. Each new Member is serving a 3-year term, and their courage is much appreciated.
The 10/02 Proposed Building Regulations won with 1179 votes as opposed to the April 2002 Building Regulations, which only received 609 votes.
The assessments increase of ($.50) cents per front foot was defeated with 1025 voting NO, and 882 voting YES.
Lastly, the rule prohibiting the carrying of firearms within the Boundaries of the subdivision, unless within the confines of the owner's vehicle or property, except by employees of the subdivision acting as security personnel passed with 1328 voting YES, and 547 voting NO.
As of recent the LTPOA felt it was in the best interest of the Lake and its residents with no prejudice to the Employees of the Lake (Al, Butch, Todd and Wayne) to place their jobs on a Hold status until the LTPOA can get the Budget worked out and in line due to the non approval of the assessment increase of the people. As everyone may or may not know-There is a $450,000.00 loan out there. This has to be paid back, it is a LOAN not a Donation. Therefore, these people previously mentioned do not fret because I personally as well as the other Members do not like to have to Suspend anyone from their jobs, but as the President and I'm sure the rest of the Board is unanimous the Budget really needs to be under control. I'm sure you can understand.�
Minutes were read from the May meeting as there were not enough Board members at the June meeting to make it official.
There was much discussion over the minutes being read out loud at each meeting. It was decided upon by a vote of 5 to 1 to make the minutes be available to the members one-half hour before the monthly meetings for viewing instead of reading them each time. Chris Townsend stated he would like the Financial Statements to be read because of the current Budget issue.
K-7 asked what the balance of the current loan is, how much cash do we have, and how much do we owe? Dale's response: $445,000.00 is the balance with a $5,000.00 line of credit left. That equals the $450,000.00 loan we currently have. Mr. Townsend reiterated that the assessment increase did not pass and we only have a $5,000.00 borrowing power. With a $159,000.00 yearly revenue we are $67,000.00 over our current budget, so the first goal of this board is to find cut backs without having to sacrifice major projects. We have one more year of borrowing power before the loan is to be paid back in payments.
Security: Gary Ryan
6/4 white female lifted gate arm and violation notice was issued.
6/12 unintentional gate break, received $80.00 restitution.
6/7 Guest hit a tree on south side and suffered a broken leg.
6/2 License plate found in trash can at Community house police stated it was stolen.
6/14 Gate came down on a boat before it cleared gate. Sensitivity sensor was reprogrammed with no further incidents.
6/27 Red Chevy 2-door, broke gate by going between it and the pole - No Leads.
6/29 Lot owner attempted to tailgate through behind another resident and broke gate arm. A violation notice has been sent to lot owner
6/20 harassment between two lake residents, police were called.
7/4 Unintentional gate break, $80.00 restitution was received.
Please contact Gary Ryan if you need a boat or auto sticker. Violations are being issued, please save all involved some time, by updating your stickers. There has been many instances this summer of people using the lake without lot owners being present, attending your guest is a must for everyone's security and preservation of the lake.
Comments from the floor:
C-27 why don't we receive our stickers with our paid assessment receipt?
G-6 When assessments are sent out, could we send an update form like the Assessor has? Gary stated he would try to implement something of this nature before next assessment mailing.
G-6 Are we pursuing violators of the Lake? Gary read the notice that is given to violators, and stated they must be repeat offenders before action can be taken.
C-19 Should boats have lot numbers on both sides of boat? Yes they should.
I-78 Has a boat tied-up at the Dam, please come retrieve it!
Building: Carol Kline
Two violations have been submitted to Jeff. Cty for derelict vehicles on the north side. And two for derelict sheds.
Building applications submitted:
A-37 Boat lift - approved unanimously.
K-76 Two story addition - Jeff. Cty. Approved and unanimously approved by the board.
G-47 Dock - approved by H18 to be built in front of there lot and unanimously approved by the board.
D-6 Adding a diving board - unanimously approved.
F-53 Culvert - Unanimously approved.
C-1 Screen room - Tabled pending Jeff. Cty permit.
If you see any violations please call Carol Kline at 274-0468.
Maintenance: Eddie Mitchell
Had calls about taking appliances in maintenance area. WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING, and will not be doing so in the future as our budget does not allow for this service. The tree that was cut down on the South side was on a path. It would of caused much damage to the Lot owner's home, had it fallen. The Lake would have been responsible for this damage, so it was necessary.
Silt Report: Becky Harper
No repairs were made to the Dredge in May or June. Butch & Al will be working in the maintenance area cleaning up and repairing what can be repaired. One man will Dredge, while the other works in maintenance. At times, you will see both men on the Dredge if the job requires both operators.
At this time, the operators are laid-off, it was effective as of July 3rd. They have both state they will not be seeking unemployment wages from the Lake.
The entire Lake community should be grateful to have Butch & Al in our community. I know they are paid for the work they do, but it's only a fraction of what we would pay a so-called professional. It is the value of what they do off the clock that most people do not realize. They discuss ways of improving and saving to achieve the goals of our major projects. They volunteer their own time to better the community, not their own interests. Thank you both!!! I am glad to be part of their team effort as well as their neighbor.
And a special Thank You to Dale Farwig for weed eating the berm.
There was much discussion from the audience and the board over whether we should or shouldn't dredge all the way down to Lake bed or set a certain depth and only go down that far. Mr. Townsend stated that all Board members will spend time learning the dredging operation and then we can all discuss the possibilities.
Website: Janet Hirsch
Website is up to date with April and May minutes.
Patrol Boat: Ed Melchoir
He has 14 volunteers taking two-hour shifts each and two incidents. Violators will be issued a citation, and after 3 reprimands, privileges will be reviewed by board.
Mr Uhlenbrock volunteered to make signs for Boat Patrol and Bulletin Board at entrance.
Fishing Committee:
Meeting on 7/10/03 usual time.
New Business:
Board voted unanimously to list lots own by lake on Website with a 30 day bidding window.
Mr. Townsend thanked Phil and Dee Chambers for heading up the election.
Tuesday 7/18/03 the Budget Meeting will start at 7:30 pm. Volunteers from floor with budgeting knowledge were asked to attend.
Marilyn Meyer asked if pontoon trailer could be moved from office to accommodate some shrubbery? Board will look for a possible location
Rick Hannick stated that warranty on roads is up soon and has anyone checked the roads for damage before its up? Mr. Lanning stated there were several places that are undermining. Gary Ryan said he feels that the places Mr. Lanning mentioned were not due to poor paving.
Meeting adjourned at 9:50pm by a unanimous vote.