LTPOA Meeting Minutes, June 12, 2006

The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. with the following members present:
Larry Kimmel
Marilyn Meyer
Pat Harting
Ron Sansone
Kevin Seelbach

and 38 residents.

President Sansone asked for approval of the minutes of the previous meeting. Marilyn Meyer said there was a correction on page 2: they have agreed not to charge for use to date if we decide to lease purchase the Bobcat. Ms. Hopfer stated that she had not said she wanted to be put on the agenda during the last meeting. With no other comments or corrections President Sansone asked for a motion to accept, motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion accepted.

Dave Fitzgerald questioned the expense of the pipe. Larry Kimmel said that this item had already been discussed on several occasions and was included in the removal of the volcano and getting the property ready to receive the silt. This item had been approved by the Board under a Maintenance item.

President Sansone thanked the volunteers who had helped on the new lakefront. This project only took 5 days to complete. He went on to say that again thanks to the numerous volunteers the removal of the volcano. He cited numerous difficulties during the course of the project but indicated that the first phase was completed within 5 days. He said that approximately $18,000 has been saved for grass cutting per year. The donation of specialized equipment for moving rocks, dirt and gravel has also saved the lake large sums of money. President Sansone estimated two additional days to complete the removal of the volcano. Kenny Lanning indicated that under portions of the volcano there was mud which may complicate the removal. The estimated cost of the pipe is 9 to 10 thousand dollars. President Sansone explained the remainder of the work necessary to complete the project and the estimated final cost.

President Sansone then went on to explain his reasons for being on the Board, which was to pay off the loan. Over $700,000 had been spent on the dredge and the roads. Now the loan is only $77,000, this in addition to the many other improvements done at the lake. The boat ramp and seawall were installed at a very reasonable cost, thanks to the efforts of numerous volunteers. He thought that now the pressing issue was maintenance and this would be addressed during the coming year. The roads will require approximately $20,000 in repairs and bids are being obtained for this project. The road will also need to be sealed to prevent further deterioration. Completion of this is scheduled for Fall 2006 at an estimated cost of $57,000.

He also said that his other goal was to obtain a sewer system for the lake. We now are our own sewer district and this will protect us from other people incorporating us into a sewer district over which we would have no control. The Sewer Committee will work closely with the engineer and the various agencies responsible.

A special thank you was given to Kenny Lanning for his help and cooperation for lake projects.

Treasurers Report

Cash Inflow

Special Assessment 2006 and 2007 27,830.69
Lot Sales and Gate Passes 4,535.00
Bank Accounts Interest 31.41
Insurance Refund 9.00
Total Cash Inflow 32,406.10

Cash Outflow

Loan Payment 4,489.55
Payroll 670.80
Sewer Mailing Postage, Envelopes 204.03
Legal Quarterly Payment 734.00
Asphalt Minor Road Repair 74.23
Lake Tish Quick Shop, Dump Truck Gas 20.00
Snow Removal and Salt 507.00
Dump Truck Repair 592.11
Utilities 113.32
Money Market Payment to Loan Principal 22,000.00
Total Cash Outflow 29,405.04

Checking Account Balance 56,062.40
Money Market Account 7,838.58
CD 12,000.00
Total Cash on Hand 75,900.98

Loan Balance May 31, 2006 ($16.63 per day) 93,893.53

Special Assessments (2004-2005) outstanding 50.00
Regular Assessments (2004-2005) outstanding 300.00
Special Assessments (2005-2006) outstanding 903.53
Regular Assessments (2005-2006) outstanding 3,542.09

Previously approved payment that will not be paid:

Signature Control 308.15
(This was for the 3rd aluminium arm which we never received.)

Bills to be paid:

Perimeter Protection Products 437.94
(New gate passes)
Invoices for maintenance 5,678.79
(rock, gravel, pipe etc.)

President Sansone asked for approval to pay the bills, motion made by Kevin Seelbach seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion approved.

On a question from the floor on how much had already been received for this year's special assessment Marilyn said that she has received close to $40,000.

President Sansone indicated that the lake attorney said that unpaid assessments were the lowest in memory, thanks mainly to the diligent work of the board.

Kathy Hopfer asked who had purchased lots N54, H59 and H60. Marilyn said N54 was Kardell, H59 was Ruskey, and H60 was Hacker.

Finance Committee

Janet Hirsch reported that the committee had helped the Treasurer with the compilation of the financial reports in comparing them with the last two years. She reported the following

May 31, 2006 cash on hand 75,901
May 31, 2005 cash on hand 46,784
May 31, 2004 cash on hand 34,056

The Finance Committee has also completed the opinion survey for distribution at the election. Copies are available for review. This is also posted on the web site.


Larry Kimmel said that half a dozen flags had been purchased for the lake patrol boat to make them more visible. Tee shirts for the patrol boat volunteers will also be purchased, at a cost of approximately $7 to $10 each. Larry asked for volunteers for the boat patrol, especially Fourth of July weekend. Larry stressed the necessity for all boaters to adhere to the rules of the lake for a safe boating experience on our lake.

Jason Covington reported two incidents of the gate being broken. He said that if you have a boat trailer please call in advance so the timing on the gate arm can be adjusted to accommodate the extra length. The security committee is working on fine tuning the sensor and they have added a cover over the screen so it is easier to read. Jason again urged everyone to again follow the rules and not tailgate.

It had also been reported that animals and fish had been shot at with pellet guns. Ray Lauer called the Sheriff. Jason reminded everyone that we are a nature preserve and shooting at animals is not permitted. The Board will investigate the use of BB guns etc. as the status of the lake is a nature preserve. A letter will be sent from the Board to the individual involved. Janet Hirsch said that any regulations voted on by the lake should be recorded for future reference. The question also arose on individuals walking around the lake and going across people's docks and walkways. There is a 10-ft easement around the lake but docks and seawalls are private property.

Building Permits

Larry reported that there were no building permits outstanding.


President Sansone said that presently the only items were long range ones, mainly

Web Site

Janet Hirsch reported that the deadline for the next newsletter is June 20. The TAA notice for the fishing tournament which is June 17 has been put on the web site and the Opinion Survey has also been posted.

Old Business

Volunteer Day is this coming Saturday, June 17 at 9 a.m.

New Business

Stickers are needed for residents trailers and boats to enable us to determine if outside people are using the lake illegally. Larry Kimmel said that new larger stickers were being looked into for cars, boats and trailers. He said that the Security Committee would oversee the process of registering everyone to accomplish this. Some negative discussion followed particularly from people who had been living at the lake for a long time. In response to the question of wasn't there a data base available for this purpose, Jason Covington said that the security data base simply had names and telephone numbers and therefore could not be used for registration purposes. Larry concluded by saying that he would do what it takes to see this project completed and he will see every resident in order to accomplish this and no personal information would be requested. Mr. Kimmel again stressed the importance of the stickers and data with respect to controlling the non resident usage of the lake. He said that President Sansone had been instrumental in making the present board a forward thinking board so that items would be taken care of in a timely fashion so that the residents would not have to deal with them again in the future, such as the removal of the volcano.

Kenny Lanning questioned having to have all assessments paid in order to vote. Marilyn Meyer said that the invoice state that the special assessment is due June 1. Larry Kimmel then made the point that the special assessments were overdue on June 2. Chris Townsend said that the date of August 1st was the date for having to pay assessments. Marilyn said that in prior years all assessments had to be paid in order to vote. In response to Kenny Lanning saying that preventing people from voting if they had not paid their assessments, were being short changed, Marilyn stated that the few who did not pay their assessments in a timely fashion were penalizing the rest of the lake by not having money available to make loan payments and thus incurring more interest was being penalized in having to pay more interest Chris Townsend cited the Restrictions Article 5 Section 5 and Article 3 Section 1 with respect to assessments. President Sansone said that the issue would be resolved with regard to the date of payment of the special assessment by Saturday's election.

Brad Lewis asked why the loan could not be paid off as we have enough cash on hand. The reason is that if the loan were to be paid in full no monies would be available for operating expenses. The loan will be paid off in Autumn of 2007. There is one more year of special assessments to pay off the loan.

Brad Lewis wanted to know if any thought had been given to bringing a wireless DSL line into the lake. Up to now the cost had been prohibitive.


Janet Hirsch said that she wished to be nominated as a candidate for the LTPOA board on June 17.

Mary Leiweke as head of the election committee said that she would need to know if people would be allowed to vote if they had not paid their special assessments because of getting the lists prepared in advance.

President Sansone asked for a motion that in order to vote in the upcoming election, the regular assessment had to be paid, but not the special assessment. Motion made by Marilyn Meyer, seconded by Pat Harting, motion carried with two abstentions.

Joe Hejnal, who in November became a full time resident of the lake, introduced himself as a candidate for the board.

Mary thanked all those who had volunteered to help with the election. She listed those in order of contacting her who had registered to be on the ballot:

Ron Sansone
Kevin Seelbach
Kathy Hopfer
Dave Fitzgerald
Chris Townsend
Al Ferrell
Brad Lewis

Janet Hirsch and Joe Hejnal will be write-in candidates.

Mary said that Gail Lents will be available to help with absentee votes. Marilyn Meyer said that on the ballot there was also the proposition for lowering the lake. Mary Leiweke then set the ground rules for candidates for their campaign speech on election day. A motion was asked for adjournment, motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting, Secretary