LTPOA Meeting Minutes

May 13, 2008

The meeting opened at 6:58 p.m. with the following board members present:

Janet Hirsch, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel, Joe Hejnal and Kevin Seelbach.

President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the April minutes which had been posted on the web-site. Motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Kevin Seelbach, motion passed.

Presidents Report

President Sansone said that the dam repair had begun and Rich Hirsch would present his report later in the meeting.

Treasurers Report

Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported for April.

Marilyn reported that there are 2 delinquent special assessments due from last year for a total of $310. For the current year there are 2 delinquent special assessments due for a total of $630.

Motion made by Larry Kimmel seconded by Janet Hirsch to accept the treasurer's report, motion carried.

Marilyn presented the following bills for payment:

Home Service Oil (Bobcat) 614.61

Insurance - Quarterly 1,094.75

Postage 87.12

Asphalt Patch 28.00

Mo Lawyers Media (sewers) 31.50

Mickey K's Portable Toilet 90.00

Legal Quarterly 1,492.50

Total 3,438.48

Motion made by Larry Kimmel seconded by Kevin Seelbach to pay the above bills. Motion carried.

Finance Committee

Janet Hirsch reported that the lake will have to get a line of credit from the bank to pay for the dam repair. She said that once the repair is complete and we know how much is needed we will finalize a loan with the bank.


Larry Kimmel reported that the stolen car has been returned. President Sansone said that he had had a conversation with the guard regarding his being more visible and if there was a problem with the cost of gas that could be worked out. Larry Kimmel reported that 80% of lake residents do not report security incidents to the police but call board members instead. He wished to stress that if you do not call the police there is nothing that the board can do to assist with the problem.


Janet Hirsch said that June 20 was the deadline for the next newsletter.

Building Director

Larry Kimmel reported the following requests for building permits:
C-23 - Harry Hegger, Dock replacement
K-32 - Frauenfelder, Re-issue of dock from last year - Building dock and deck on back of house, permit obtained from county
M-14 - Schnarre, Request permission to build 6 x 10 dock in place of the existing 6 x 9 dock, this is within the guidelines.
Motion made by Kevin Seelbach seconded by Larry Kimmel to grant building permits. Motion passed.

A-15 - Scantlin Tree House permit. This is pending on a permit issued by Jefferson County. This has to be attached to the house and at present it is at the level of the deck.

Larry Kimmel said "They are not going to be allowed to enclose it. The plans call for walls and a roof and this is clearly a violation of lake regulations. If the County approves the application, then the lake should contact its attorney to send them a letter to take it down. Apparently the property owner without obtaining any permits or checking with either Larry or Joe started building a playhouse around a tree about 20ft from the existing concrete deck. If they intend to make it a closed structure there is nothing in the restrictions that would allow them to do this and a permit will not be issued. The board will not approve it if they put up walls and a roof." There was no further discussion of this item.

A19 - Silhavey
Board to accept the application to board to build dock on a 55ft lot they are purchasing. There is already a dock on the corner of the lot. This will be contingent upon obtaining the neighbors' permission. This does not encroach on the 35-ft. rule. The dock will be 7ft within the 35-ft limit on either side. Larry Kimmel made a motion to accept the application as provided once the footage is verified so we can issue a variance on the 35-ft rule so they can install the dock.
Motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Kevin Seelbach, motion carried.


President Sansone reported that Lou Harting had donated 4 x 4 timbers so that the salt spreader can be cleaned. The salter will also be pressure washed. The truck will need to be repainted because of salt damage. We also need to decide on what to do with the plow as it became very worn out this winter. A scrap metal dealer will be coming this Saturday and the maintenance yard will also be cleaned up this Saturday. Kevin Seelbach also reported that the patrol boat will need to be repainted prior to this summer. The fishing committee will be assisting with the maintenance yard clean up.

Web Site

Nothing to report about the website.

Dam Committee

See Rich Hirsch's separate report.

Old Business

Janet Hirsch read a letter from Ray Lauer regarding the fact that all driveways both on the upper and lower tier were required to be paved and the deadline for this paving had long been expired. He suggested that the names of those home owners who had not compiled should be published in the newsletter as no punitive action has been taken against them. Joe Hejnal said that there were approximately 20 now remaining. President Sansone said that the contractor will be contacted to again begin the driveway paving now that the weather has improved. Meramec Paving gave us the best price but it may be necessary to contact another contractor. If the homeowner has not made arrangements to have this done the board will make arrangements and send the homeowner a bill. If they refuse to pay, a lien will be placed on their property.

The board may have to borrow the money to have this done as it is not fair to the homeowners who have already had their driveways paved.

Rock will be put by the dry hydrants to ensure that the fire trucks can get to them.

Property owners who damaged the roads while dredging will be required to repair the damage.

New Business

Mike Higgins Mike Higgins again expressed considerable concern at the "volcano" at the end of his cove that this has changed the face of the lake.

There was a discussion concerning the silt removing in the middle of the cove and the board said they would inspect this.

There being no further business, Larry Kimmel made a motion, seconded by Joe Hejnal to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting ended at 7:43 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

Pat Harting