The meeting opened at 7:06 p.m. with the following board members present:
Janet Hirsch, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel and Joe Hejnal.
The April meeting minutes having been inserted in the newsletter and passed out at the meeting, President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes, motion made by Janet Hirsch, seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion passed unanimously.
Presidents Report
President Sansone reported on the progress of the refurbishing of the bathrooms in the community building. He said that numerous contractors had volunteered their time to assist in the project. There will be a general meeting on Saturday May 19th at 9 a.m. Anyone who is interested is welcome. $3,200 in loans has been raised to date towards the project. He said that the ladies' bathroom would be done first. A port-a-potty will be placed outside for the summer months for people using the lakefront.
Treasurers Report
Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported for April
Marilyn reported that 3 property owners are now in legal action for collection of unpaid assessments and there are 5 delinquent property owners for 2006-2007.
Motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Janet Hirsch to accept the treasurer's report. Motion passed.
Marilyn presented 3 bills for payment approval.
Quarterly Attorney fees 4,126.89
New checks 100.00
Pat Harting, Supplies for special assessment invoices 33.38
Motion made by Janet Hirsch seconded by Larry Kimmel to pay the bills. Motion passed.
Finance Committee
Janet Hirsch reported that the year to date financial statement had been prepared and extra copies were available at the meeting. She reported that the loan would be paid off in July. She said that this had been made possible by negotiating with the bank to just pay the interest on the loan. This had freed up money that enabled other projects to be completed. She reported that the special assessment monies went strictly toward the loan. When the note is due, we will pay it off with the special assessments and the remainder from regular assessments.
Larry Kimmel reported that April had been a fairly quiet month. He is continuing to work with the stickers. He said that he had received a phone call from a resident concerning people who are tearing up the parking lot. He said that he was able to talk to the parent of the individual and the problem is being resolved.
Volunteers are being sought to man the patrol boat. He said that if you do not feel comfortable riding in the patrol boat you can use your own boat as red tee shirts will be provided for you to wear and a flag to put on the boat. In response to how is a problem handled, Larry reported that the preferred thing to do is to talk to the individual and ask him if he is aware that he is breaking the rules of the lake and give him a set of the boat safety rules. He said that the main problems are boats going too fast, going zigzag across the lake and in the wrong direction. There is also an age restriction, you must be at least 16 to drive a boat. Another problem is pontoon boats gathering in the middle of the lake or gathering too close to the dam. Boats should be at least 100 ft from the dam. This is to protect the dam from erosion. He said that the first 50ft. of the lake is for swimmers and 100ft. is the buffer zone between the swimmer and the speed boats. Discussion followed on possible solutions e.g. buoys to specify where the 100 ft begins etc. Larry then went on to say that he wants to get all the stickers distributed and on the boats. The boating regulations will be placed in the newsletter a couple of times and if a boat does not have stickers it will be towed. Our attorney will be contacted to determine if we can tow unstickered boats. Boat insurance was also discussed and the use of the data base to determine ownership of boats.
Janet Hirsch reported that 350 newsletters had been mailed. She said that the website now carries a copy of the newsletter in color. Residents in St. Louis also received their copies in a timely fashion this time.
Building Director
Larry Kimmel reported on the problem of contractors tearing up the road in front of new construction. Letters will be mailed to these lot owners. The question of reinstating the need for a $2,500 bond for any construction/renovation was discussed and also of limiting the size of the concrete trucks coming into the lake. Ron said that a yard of concrete weighs 4,300 lb and 6 yards would be a reasonable limit for the concrete trucks. He said that everyone should be responsible for protecting the roads. Discussion followed on making it mandatory for home owners to attend a meeting if they were building or renovating. People who build without the required permits will also be contacted.
Mary Leiweke requested that the permit for her sea-wall be reissued. Motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Joe Hejnal to extend this for another year.
Kevin Seelbach patched the holes on the road to the 4-way stop. The sand pit for the volley ball court will be redone.
Sections of the side of the road are in need of repair where they have either been washed out or cars have gone too close to the edge of the road. It was suggested that these areas be spray painted to prevent further damage. Ron said that rock would be ordered for these sections.
Janet Hirsch reported on the portable bathroom for the summer outside the community house. Two vendors from Hillsboro had been contacted, one was $125 per month and the other $90 per month. Both would be serviced weekly. Janet Hirsch moved that we hire a portable bathroom for the next 4 months or until the bathrooms are completed. Motion seconded by Marilyn Meyer. Motion passed, Mickey K's was hired at $90 per month. No contract with the company is required.
Bids are being obtained for the new docks. These will be 4'x 10' modular floating sections which can be put together in various configurations. The repair of the boat ramp was also discussed. Hooks are also available on the sea wall to tie up boats. Separate insurance would be needed for the marina. Janet reported that $8,000 was available in the budget for building the docks. A motion was made by Janet Hirsch, seconded by Joe Hejnal to proceed. Motion passed.
Bids were also being obtained for a pipe to lower the lake this fall.
Mary Leiweke offered rock from her yard to repair the damaged drainage ditch under the road on Meadow. Ron said that he would see when this could be accomplished.
The deadline for the first 20ft of all driveways to be paved is July 1. The lake's attorney has been contacted and it has been determined that if these are not done by the homeowner, the lake has the authority to pave them and put the cost of the paving on the assessments. The cost of the paving will be taken out of the assessments first and then the assessment.
The bid from Dale Whalen to cut the grass at the lake was the lowest of the three bids received. He will cut the grass on a monthly basis. The areas will be the lakefront area, in front of the sale office, the guard house, from the 4 way stop and the top of the dam. The back of the dam is cut once a year and this required special equipment. No contract is required. Volunteers will be sought to cut the grass between times. Larry Kimmel made the motion to accept the bid price from Dale Whalen, seconded by Janet Hirsch. Motion passed.
Report of the Lakefront Recreation Area Planning Meeting 4/14/07
About 12 people attended and several others could not be present but sent suggestions.
Consensus of opinion of those present:
· Two docks should be installed. One on each side of the boat ramp. They don't have to be very wide, but should be at least 20 ft long. Floating docks would be ok.
· The boat ramp should be redone at a steeper angle. Remove the large rocks and holes at the end of the ramp. A rough concrete surface would be better for driving and walking on.
· There should be a dawn-to-dusk light installed alongside the ramp
· The possibility of a marina was discussed and rejected due to shallow water, liability issues, and trespassing problems.
Additional suggestions:
· Install additional docks and charge rental fees (Schaab Family)
· Provide portable bathroom facilities (Ron Hacker)
· Exercise eminent domain to acquire 5-ft wide sections of lake lots to establish new paths and place docks at the end of the paths. (Chris Townsend)
Gate Report, May 8, 2007
· A reminder Because the entry gate has problems detecting the metal on a pontoon boat trailer, please try to bring your boats in when the gate is normally open (M-F 6am - 6pm, Sat 9am - 1pm). Or call Rich Hirsch (285-0813) and arrange for the gate to be open when you tow your boat thru the gate.
· Thanks to Mike Leiweke for repairing the bracket that holds the gate arm to the shaft on the in-gate.
· Rich Hirsch constructed two new gate arms from 2x4s as the older arm in use in the in-gate was cracked.
· On Sunday afternoon (May 6) the in-gate failed to respond to an owner's card. When tested with a gate card the gate opened, but then went into "dance mode." Dance mode is where the gate arm cycles up and down continuously. This is normally due to a misadjusted up or down limit switch. And this was the case in this instance. Adjusting the down limit switch corrected the problem.
Dam Committee
Plan A was to install 20 ft of 24-inch corrugated metal pipe (CMP) to replace the badly rusted pipe currently in place under the access road. Secondly the 12-inch leak outlet pipe would be extended with PVC pipe far enough to enable making flow measurements using a stopwatch and a 5-gallon bucket.
Plan B is to use the existing rusted CMP pipe and just extend the leak outlet pipe.
We are now focusing on plan B as this requires less money and less effort.
Clarue Holland obtained prices from four venders on the 12 inch PVC pipe and necessary couplings. Total cost was $400 - $500 as supplied by Wholesale Plumbing Supply.
Clarue has obtained videos on dam maintenance and safety from MO DNR. We hope to set up an educational screening of the videos sometime in May.
The leak pool was visited on May 9. Temp was 45.5 deg F (Hg thermometer), water was clear with no odor.
Lou Harting reported on the next three upcoming events. The regular monthly meeting, trivia night and a first for the lake, boat poker. He also said that candidates for the next king and queen were needed. If no children wish to participate then the money for next year's fireworks will be raised by adults.
Old Business
Ron Sansone said that the dumping of the dredged lake silt has been completed and he will be paying assessments on lots O-39-43. Therefore the contract between the lake and the Sansones had been fulfilled. Motion made by Janet Hirsch, seconded by Marilyn Meyer to accept the completion of the contract. Ron Sansone abstained. Motion carried.
New Business
Clarue Holland presented a report on the dry hydrants and the problem with locating a suitable site on which to place them. There was considerable discussion on the size of pipe to be used and how and where they should be placed. $2,000 is in the budget for this purpose and Clarue said that she had been more than willing to look into these but the actual construction of them would have to be done by some one else as she was not familiar with doing that. The board will look into this.
Martin Holland brought up the lake's liability insurance. The extent of personal/lake liability will be discussed with the lake's attorney
The insurance costs for renting the club house and lake liability was also discussed.
There being no further business, Janet Hirsch made a motion, seconded by Joe Hejnal to adjourn. The meeting ended at 9:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting