LTPOA Meeting Minutes – May 11, 2004



The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present:


            Chris Townsend, Ron Sansone, Matt Halloran, Dale Farwig

            Becky Harper


And 30 lot owners.


Chairman Chris Townsend began the meeting by introducing Pat Harting who has volunteered to fill the vacancy created by Carol Kline’s resignation.  He explained that Becky Harper will be filling the position of building inspector and Pat Harting will be acting secretary.  The change was passed unanimously.


Chris read the minutes of the April 13th meeting and with the exception of the number of board members present at that meeting (5, not 65).  The minutes were passed unanimously.


Directors Reports:



Chris thanked all those who voted for the Special Assessment.  He appreciated the fact that many residents had and still have reservations but that they understood the dilemma being faced by the lake.  He thanked all those who took time to fill out the Lake Survey and noted that the number one response was for enforcing the Rules and Regulations of the lake and said he would be asking for volunteers to help in this area.  With regard to the question and answer session at the Special Assessment meeting, he stated that he did not use the words “slush fund” but in future if anyone has a question about what he has said they should ask him directly. 



The treasurers report was read by Dale Farwig for April.  Disbursements for the month of April totaled $3,005.67 and total receipts of  $2,869.23.  Matt Halloran made a motion to accept the report as read seconded by Pat Harting.


Ron Sansone  and Matt Halloran questioned the style in which the treasurers report was presented.  It was decided that in future this would be in a simplified version showing income, expenditures and the final balance in the bank.  Janet Hirsch said that the figures could be presented on an overhead projector.


Dale said that the money coming in from the special assessment is going initially into the money market account.  $1,000 will remain in the account to keep the account alive.  Chris reported that the special assessments are being paid, with some people paying for all 5 years at once.  The new accounting system will ensure the accuracy of these multiple year postings.  Dale said that unfortunately the lake was going to have to borrow $5,000 from the loan not the special assessment  in order to pay the expenses for the rest of the fiscal year.  Interest on the is being paid from the general revenue not the special assessment.  The question of renegotiation of the loan was raised as interest rates are likely to rise in the near future. There was considerable discussion regarding the attorney fees which comprise the major portion of our spending.  These fees are mainly for collection of unpaid assessments and repaid when the assessments are collected.  For the first quarter $1,774 was paid to the attorney and $550 was collected.  If assessments are not paid, a lien must be placed on the property. 


Security Director

Kathy Hopfer brought up the problem of non residents coming onto lake property and parking in the club house parking lot.  People have been observed leaving their vehicle and heading off into the woods carrying back-packs etc.  President Townsend recommended that anyone seeing anything suspicious should call  the police.  A brief discussion on how non residents are gaining access to the lake followed, several scenarios were presented, friends living at the lake let them in, cars have been observed going around the gate and they know when Wayne leaves and there is no security.  Chris reiterated the fact that the number one item on the recent survey was addressing the rules and regulations and the Lake has a “No BS Policy” and once again asked for volunteers for the task force for the Tishomingo Alert Group so that some “teeth” could be put into these type of situations.  There is a number for the Jefferson County task force on underage drinking and suspicious activity, this is (636-262-3945).  Another item from the recent survey was the security gate should be kept down 24 hours a day, this would reduce the need for a security guard and would also act as a deterrent but the biggest problem with that is the mail and trash access.  However, for full time residents they could be home if they were expecting a delivery or were having construction done and so this would not represent a problem and for part time residents their concern is that they paid to have the security gate put in and it is not down all day, so how can they insure that their investment in their property is being taken care of.  A discussion on how this problem is addressed at other lakes followed, e.g. temporary cards, wall of lock boxes like realtors, these will be looked into.


Building Director

The following applications were approved:

Quigley F-32 – The roll a dock phrasing was clarified as meaning a boat lift, application approved.

Rohm – B019 – Boat dock – approved

Wilson – K-41 – Boat lift – approved


Maintenance Director

Matt reported on the following items:

  1. The salt spreader has been cleaned but the wiring still needs repair.  The shocks on the three year old truck  are also “shot”.

  2. Bids are coming in on the maintenance shed roof and the guard shack.  The cedar shakes on the guard shack will be replaced with shingles.  Volunteers have already come forward to do these tasks.


  1. Matt Holloran has already got 3 bids from licensed contractors on patching the road.  The bids are:
    1.  Just patching at $61,292
    2.  2” overlay at $43,417
    3.  Totally redo road from 4 way stop to the speed bump, $117,434


Any suggestions or names of other contractors to contact would be appreciated.


  1. The numerous problems with the dredge were discussed from leaving it in the water and keeping it maintained to leasing it and/or moving it, which would require a trailer (at a cost of at least $40,000) that could move an object weighing 22 tons.  However, the moving of the dredge would either need volunteer help or outside parties would have to be used. The cables which presently tether the dredge are on Jeff Marschuetz’s property and he would like them removed.  Chris  reminded everyone that the dredge was purchased by majority vote and therefore its disposal would also have to be by majority vote.  Ron Sansone made a motion that the cables be removed, the dredge be secured and options on leasing the dredge be looked into.  Matt Halloran brought up the amount of interest that was being paid on the loan was very high and anything that could be done to reduce the loan would definitely change what our future financial situation would look like.



Finance Committee

Janet Hirsch reported on the result of the special election and the passing of the special assessment.  She also reported on the result of the survey which the people who voted filled in.  The following three items were considered to be the most important to the lake residents:


The question of a leak in the dam was again brought up.  Becky Harper will find the results of the last survey and bring them to the next meeting.


Jerry Uhlenbrock said that it was important to find out about the quality of the lake water and suggested that a committee be formed to find out how to test the water correctly.  Rick Hannick said that 3 to 4 years ago the Jefferson County Health Department volunteered to test the lake free of charge.  He said that we could probably get them to do it again.  It was noted that Jason Covington had had the water tested but this was only for fish habitat.  Christ Townsend said that we used to have an Ecology Director and Jerry was elected for that position.  He will primarily address lake erosion and water quality.


Dave Fitzgerald handed out a letter expressing concern about the value based assessment.  Value based assessment will basically mean that the assessment for a lot will go down while the assessment for a lot with a house will go up.  Chris Townsend read the letter to the floor and said that the issue required more evaluation before any decision could be made.


Finally, income statements and balance sheets will be prepared for the annual meeting on June 12th.  The next meeting of the Finance Committee is May 18th.


Boat Patrol 

Ed Melchior will be having surgery and therefore has resigned from the boat patrol.   A replacement volunteer will be needed.  Marco Griffero said he would donate the gas for the boat and to schedule any volunteers.  Chris said that he would get something put together for the next months annual election.


Web Site

Send Janet Hirsch an email if you need to have anything put in the classifieds on the web.  Two surveys have been received via the web site.


Old Business - Board

  1. Termites in the records building.  Ron Sansone made a motion to get a termite inspection made.  Seconded by Matt Halloran and Becky Harper.  Passed unanimously.
  2. The Garden Club has volunteered to buy a sign at the entrance by the flag pole.  Marilyn Meyer brought in copies of the design and said that the sign would be 5’ wide by 3’ tall.  Prices would be obtained for both a lexon and polycarbonate sign.  The only change that the Board recommended was that the lot numbers were also placed on the sign, not just the road names.  Jerry Uhlenbrock said that he would look into the cost of the sign.
  3. Becky Harper asked if the light in the turnaround was working or not as she has never seen it on.  Dale said that we pay for three lights and these lights should be working, he said that the number on the turnaround pole does not correspond with the numbers the electric company has for the lights we pay for.  We pay for the Guard Shack, the Maintenance Yard and one other.


New Business – Board

  1. Volunteers are needed for a by-law restriction committee.
  2. The Board recommends the reinstatement of a “soap committee” to look at a comprehensive plan now for whenever we do have money available to what will happen to the dredge the burm and the silt situation.
  3. The Board is also looking for volunteers for a road committee, the roads must be taken care of.  Forms for volunteering for the above and the boat patrol will be at next months meeting.
  4. At the election next month there will be four positions open.  Matt and Pat will have to be voted in at the election as you can only nominate someone to the next election.  Gary and Dale’s terms are up and they will also have to be voted on.
  5. Election Committee – Pat Griffero will be heading up the election committee and volunteers will be needed.  In order to be placed on the ballot a formal letter needs to be forwarded to her as soon as possible so that these names can be got out to people.
  6. Bev Jost – this Saturday the volunteers will be need to trim the areas around the community house.  Kathy Hopfer said that the community house has been rented for Saturday afternoon.


New Business - Floor

1.      There have been a couple of leaking septic systems reported.  Chris took the health department report to one resident and Matt spoke to the other and it has been addressed.  It should be noted that if anyone suspects a leaky septic system they should go to the house and ask.

  1. Matt reported that it would be too expensive to repair the trimmers that are used around the lake.
  2. Kenny Lanning brought up the state of some of the edges of the road.  Once again it was a question of money to keep these in repair.
  3. Kathy Hopfer requested permission for the LTIA to once again organize the firework display on the 4th July.  Permission was granted unanimously.
  4. The “secret ballot” has not been discussed since the last meeting.
  5. Rick Hannick said that the dam area badly needs to be cut.  The situation is now past a regular riding mower.  This needs to be address and cut before the 4th.  Due to the fact that the lake equipment needs renovating, Rick volunteered to take care of cutting the top of the dam area.  Matt said that he, Henry and Dale.  Have keys to the maintenance yard.
  6. Kenny Lanning brought up the correct name for ‘Forest Road’ as there were two at the lake.  The correct name could be located on the lake map which unfortunately was not on the wall at the moment.
  7. Jerry Uhlenbrock asked if it was possible to originate a letter to those lot owners whose land is falling into the lake stating the need for a sea wall.  There are some trees about to fall into the lake due to erosion and the trees about to fall now look as if they are on common ground due to the erosion.  Chris said that the lake is responsible for the common ground  but Jerry said that this was due to erosion.  He said that he would give the Board a report at the next meeting of the lots which have eroded 30 feet.


There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted





Pat Harting
