The meeting opened at 7:05 p.m. with the following board members present:
Ray Lauer, Matt Holloran, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel and Kevin Seelbach and 37 lot owners.
With the minutes of the March meeting having been posted on the website President Sansone asked for a motion to accept. Motion made by Ray Lauer seconded by Matt Holloran with the following one correction to the treasurers report: Regular assessment outstanding should be $3,779.62
Treasurers Report
Marilyn Meyer reported the following:
Cash inflow:
Regular Assessment 2005-2006 237.53
Cash Outflow:
Loan Payment 4,489.55Boat Launch
Central Stone _ rock and rip rap 1,862.93Utilities 206.94
Special Assessments _ 2004-05 50.00
Marilyn reported that the $166.33 to the Election Authority for being placed on the April ballot will be reimbursed when the sewer project gets underway.
She also reported that the assessment monies still owed are all at the Attorney for collection. She explained that the $658.72 reported as income was the special assessment for a piece of property that had been sold.
President Sansone asked for approval of the Treasurers Report, motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Matt Holloran, motion passed.
President Sansone also asked for approval of the payment of the postage for the sewer project. Motion made by Kevin Seelbach seconded by Ray Lauer, motion passed.
Finance Committee
Janet Hirsch handed out copies of the year to date financial report. There were no questions.
Security Directors Report
Ray Lauer's security report is attached. Security Report
In connection with the gate operation and the lady who reported that the gate had come down on her car, the video of the occurrence showed that she did not stop or slow down as she approached the gate. Residents are asked to please slow down as they approach the gate. Also, the gate does lower automatically at 6 p.m. so extra caution is required if you are entering around that time.
Rich Hirsch reported four gate malfunction incidents. See the gate report. Gate Report
Also in connection with the gate operation Rich reported that gate will now be open from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday instead of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is mainly to accommodate the mail carriers' schedule.
Jerry Uhlenbrock reported that he could not see the screen when entering during the day. The color of the screen is a temperature problem and Rich said he would check to see if anything could be done about it, or possibly replace the screen for one that was not affected by temperature changes
Building Director
Larry Kimmel reported three building permit requests:
1. Lents _ A3,4,5 _ Deck, Larry reported that he had all the required drawings.
2. Hejnel _ O21 _ Parking Area
3. Frauenfolder - K32/33 - 2 ½ car garage
Mr. Frauenfolder is obtaining the county permit this coming Thursday. Larry therefore requested permission to issue our permit contingent upon receipt of the permit from the county. Marilyn Meyer made the motion to grant the three building permits, seconded Matt Holloran, motion passed.
Larry reported on the situation with the stone house on South Lakeshore. All the paperwork has been issued and a motion will now go to the County Commissioners for the house to be demolished. The property owner is taxed for the demolition, the lake is not involved.
Maintenance Director
Matt asked for Board approval for the Garden Club to place slates in the maintenance yard gate and paint a letter "T" on them. This project is being paid for by the garden club. President Sansone asked for a motion. Larry Kimmel made the motion, seconded by Ray Lauer, motion passed.
Matt said that he would be marking the road where repairs were necessary and then he would obtain necessary bids. After the repairs, the roads would be sealed this summer. He asked that if he missed any large repairs, please give him a call. He thanked all those who had been burning their ditches. Volunteers were needed for the boat patrol this summer. He also asked for volunteers to help pay for the gas for the boat patrol, especially in light of the high cost of gas at the moment. Also in connection with maintenance, President Sansone said that the Board was looking into the cost of an excavator to remove the remainder of the "volcano" and purchase pipe for drainage, so that the dirt could be placed on his property. The initial bid for dirt removal was approximately $14,000 to 15,000. He asked for a motion, motion made by Larry Kimmel seconded by Marilyn Meyer, motion passed.
Web Site
Janet Hirsch reported that she was planning to put information in the next newsletter regarding the June 17 election. She said that she needed to know what items would be up for vote. Items so far are lowering the lake in the fall. President Sansone said that numerous lakes did this on a routine basis to assist in silt removal. A 12 to 14" pipe would need to be placed over the dam for this purpose. A lower lake would also be advantageous for home owners to do necessary repairs to docks etc. Mary Leiweke volunteered to run the election. We will ask for volunteers to help with the election in the next newsletter.
The following items were also discussed:
The building of catch basins at the entrance to the lake from the stream. The basins could then be cleaned out periodically and prevent from silt entering the lake.
Jerry Uhlenbrock asked if the lake docks could be attached closer to the new ramp so that it was easier to launch a boat. Kevin will work on getting this done.
The new ramp has already been used by several residents.
The parking lot will be made slightly bigger on the right hand side of the new ramp.
Pipe has been obtained to repair the dry hydrant.
Dam Inspection
Marilyn Meyer read a dam inspection report made by Dave Taylor. Mr. Taylor is employed by Strata Services. Mr. Taylor came to inspect the leak, which is below the level of the stone. Following is a brief synopsis of his report.
· Place a weir below the leak. The weir would measure water flow. Immediate attention would be needed if silt was discovered in the outflow.
· Check the temperature of the water from the leak in the summer. This would show how deep the leak was, but not the location.
· Alternatively a dye could be used.
· Check the concrete structure on the back of the dam which collects and channels the leak to the toe of the dam. Try to ascertain when it was constructed.
· Check to see if we have information on when the dam was constructed and also any earlier repair work.
Mr. Taylor thought that the leak was coming from a small dolomite cave close to where it had been repaired earlier.
The leak is cause for concern for two reason, water retention and dam safety. He estimated a leak of approximately 200-300 gallons per minute. He suggested we contact Bob Clay in the Dam Safety Office in Rolla. He said the dye test to see how deep the leak was would cost $2,000. The consensus of opinion was that this was not necessary, but perhaps this should be put in as an item on the upcoming election. Mr. Taylor gave an estimate of between $60,000 to $100,000 to repair the leak in the dam. This obviously will require much further investigation before any decision could be made and there was also the possibility of another assessment as we have not yet paid off the current assessment. Larry Kimmel was of the opinion that this should be put on the capital improvement fund. Following discussions, President Sansone said a special machine could detect where the metal pipes which had been put in earlier to try and fix the leak swere located. Basically Mr. Taylor would pour concrete down these pipes until the leak stopped. Pat Harting said that another company should be contacted for their opinion. This apparently was very difficult, as there were not many dam companies. Dave Fitzgerald said he remembered that Washington University had something to do with an earlier repair and possibly they would have the old records. The reinforcing concrete across the top of the dam was added in 1987 and it is not known if the concrete has covered the pipes. From old records that are available, it would appear that the leak has been there since the dam was constructed. Ron and Matt asked that if anyone has information about the old repairs could they please contact them.
Sewer Committee
President Sansone said that following the April ballot, we are now our own sewer/water district. He said that now we will proceed to determine the cost. Janet Hirsch reported that the next meeting of the committee will be Tuesday April 18. The first step is the income survey which lake homeowners would be receiving shortly. Please fill in this as soon as possible and return it in the stamped envelope enclosed with the survey. This survey is completely confidential, non verifiable and is totally administered by the Midwest Assisstance Program. If the result of the survey show that our median income is below $39,400 then we will be eligible for federal grants. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE RESPOND TO THIS SURVEY. We need an 80% response. Marilyn said that if people did not answer they would actually be hurting themselves because if we do not get a federal grant, the monthly costs will be more. The sewer project will be voted on in November. There were numerous questions raised by several homeowners, most of which can be answered at the sewer meetings. If you have any concerns concerning the sewer project, PLEASE ATTEND THE SEWER MEETINGS, AS THIS IS THE SOURCE OF ALL INFORMATION ABOUT THE SEWER PROJECT.
Watershed Committee
Jerry Uhlenbrock reported that on March 18, three members of the committee walked the creek approximately 1/3 of the way up looking for problems. It was very apparent that run down is coming into the lake from the creek. He said that he will be having a meeting next week and anyone interested is welcome. He said that monies were available from the Department of Natural Resources to help solve this problem.
He then went on to say that he had received three reports of septic systems leaking into the lake. One is now in the process of getting permits for necessary repairs. He again said that you want to report any problems with leaking systems please contact him. He said that there are 3 engineers and approximately 70 plumbers on the recommended list from the county and homeowners should only be using contractors from this list. The names and phone numbers of the engineers will be put in the newsletter.
Jerry concluded by reminding us that April 22 is clean up day, beginning at 9 a.m.
Rich Hirsch reported that on March 18 the volunteers burned trees and removed debris from numerous pipes and ditches around the lake. On April 15 they will again be removing debris and burning. Please remember that April 15 is the last day of burning season.
There being no other business President Sansone requested a motion to adjourn. Motion made by Ray Lauer, seconded by Larry Kimmel. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting