Meeting opened at
Chairman Chris Townsend opened the meeting by reminding everyone about the upcoming Special Election on April 17th for an assessment increase to improve our financial situation, and that absentee ballots can be obtained from Pat Griffero if you are unable to attend on the Election day.
Secretary Becky Harper read February minutes, they were accepted unanimously by board with changes to sign posting, voting and lot #.
Treasurers report was read by Dale Farwig for February and March 2004. It was unanimously passed by board. There are approximately $9,000.00 in outstanding assessments at this time. We will go to court May 4th for collection. Mr. Townsend thanked Mr. Higgins for his assistance in foreclosure matters. To get back assessment money due, a Lien must be placed on foreclosure property before it changes hands.
Security: Gary Ryan
Gary thanked Dave Fitzgerald for volunteering his time to go over all of the electrical connections on the gate and repairing broken wires.
I would like to start a Tishomingo Alert Group. I have about 6 members so far, everyone is welcome to join. The group is designed to look into suspicious activities. Which is people that are not residents who are fishing, boating, camping, hunting, swimming or just simply do not belong. We have spent a lot of good money on stocking the lake, we need to protect our investment. I will be making a list of names and telephone numbers, when an Alert member see’s something suspicious. They will call a member on the list to assist them. By using the buddy system, we can ensure safety and accuracy in assessing the situation. Trespassing is not on the priority list for Jefferson Cty Sherriff’s Dept, so we must protect the Lake as much as we can, and the larger the Alert Group is, the better. If you personally see someone that does not belong, please let this person know they are trespassing, if they do not comply, call the Police.
A 88 stated that people come in from Hwy BB and use the lake, this happens a lot.
There has been underage partys going on in C-cove. There is a Jefferson Cty task force for underage drinking. They can be contacted at (636) 262-3945.
Building: Becky Harper/Chris Townsend
M 34-35 Boat lift. Approved unanimously.
F 32-34 Boat lift. Pending definition of roll a dock phraseing.
I 78-80 Covered deck attached to house. Unanimously approved.
M 19-20 Boat lift and dock. Pending a more descriptive drawing.
N 9-10 Boat lift. Approved 3 to 1.
Mr. Townsend stated that dock ownership disputes by property owners will not be settled by the board per attorney Dennis Tesreau who stated “ this will confirm our telephone conference of April 7,2004 regarding the dispute between property owners reference who owns a dock at Lake Tishomingo. It is my judgment that this dispute is between the two property owners and that the Lake is not required to and, in fact, should not take a stance on the ownership of that property. I believe that the property owners will either have to reach some type of mutual agreement or, if need be, file suit against each other in order to make that determination.”
A 88 asked if she could park her boat on the road in front of her home? Mr. Townsend stated he would prefer she did not because if it became damaged while sitting there, the lake would be liable.
D 29 asked how many meetings can a board member miss before being dismissed? Mr. Townsend stated that Mrs. Carol Kline has not officially given her resignation, but does intend to do so.
Maintenance: Matt Holloran was absent no report.
President Townsend thanked the volunteers for all of there efforts. The progress is phenomenal and it is a blessing in disguise. Lou Harting stated they are a great, hard working group of people.
D29 had concerns over a board member being compensated for the bridge repair, as our By-Laws state that officers of the board are not to be compensated while serving on the board. Mr. Townsend stated that the lowest bid we received for bridge repair, just happened to be from a property owner and we would be wise to accept the bid in our present financial state. And that by being a property owner, the job would be done to the best of his ability to protect his own interest.
Becky Harper asked if the equipment in the maintenance yard has been being started or maintained from the winter usage? Mr. Townsend stated he would get with Matt about this.
A88 asked if we could put some slot machines on the Dredge? There was a lot of positive reaction to this question. Mr. Townsend stated he was pretty sure we would not be allowed a Gameing Liscense, but it was a great idea.
There was a request that there be more flags put on the cable to the dredge.
Boat Patrol: Ed Melchoir
Ed thanked Janet Hirsch for making copies of the Water Activity Rules. Mr. Melchoir would like everyone to receive one. Mr. Townsend stated we should make it mandatory that everyone have a copy on there boat.
A88 volunteered to donate to the lake a 40 hp motor and boat. She needs help with her pontoon boat if anyone could help her fix it.
We will be accepting donations for gas to operate the Patrol Boat.
Website: Janet Hirsch
The website has 2 new entries. 1) Catalog of Tiles, which is for sale by the Lakeside Gardners proceeds will go to improve the Lake. 2) Survey of opinions about Lake issues.
Sewer Committee: No report
Finance Committee: will ask property owners to fill out survey after the voting on April 17th. The next meeting will be April 27th at the community House.
Mr. Townsend was anonymously asked about the absentee ballots being sent to an outside party for safe keeping until Election Day, as opposed to being held by Election Chairperson. The board will be discussing this for possible changes in this process.
Meeting adjourned at
Secretary Becky Harper