APRIL 8, 2003

The meeting started at 7:35 pm. All members were present except for Gary Ryan, Security Director, and Kathy Hopfer, Communications/Public Relations.

Rick Hannick, President opened the meeting with the following comments: "Thanks to everyone who is here this evening, again it appears that there is not much on the agenda; so hopefully we can again keep it short and sweet."

MINUTES (Chris Townsend)
Chris read the Minutes from the March 11, 2003 meeting. The following corrections were noted:

1) Under the Silt Report 10th paragraph, only sentence, the word, "ditches," shall be replaced with, "coves".

2) Under New Business 7th paragraph, 1st sentence, the word, "code," shall be replaced with, "list". In addition, in the same paragraph, 3rd sentence, the word, "we" shall be replaced with, "where".

Dale Farwig made a motion to accept the Minutes as read providing these corrections. Ed Mitchell seconded the motion the same, which passed unanimously.

Dale read the March 2003 Treasurer's Report. Dale wanted to add that as of today the Lake still has 18 property owners who have not paid their assessments. Next year as of October 1st any assessments that are not paid will be classified as delinquent, and turned over to the Lake's attorney. Chris Townsend made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report as read. Carol Kline seconded the motion, which passes unanimously.

Chris asked Dale that has there been any back assessment paid yet. Dale indicated that there had been, but there is still an approximate $11-12 Thousand not paid yet.


SECURITY (Gary Ryan)
There was nothing from or for Security at this time.

BUILDING (Carol Kline)
An application was submitted for Mike and Wilma Davis, O46-O48, to begin construction to their house. Chris Townsend made a motion to accept the application, and the rest of the Board seconded; hence a unanimous approval.

Matthew and Margaret Holloran, M29-M32, submitted an application for a boatlift. It was determined the dimensions, and the location of said Boatlift would be needed before a decision could be made.

Kurt Will, I-03-04, submitted an application for a Boatlift. It was determined that the dimensions, and the location of said Boatlift would be needed before a decision could be made.

Larry Giger, F-50, 51,63,64, submitted an application for new construction. It was determined that more information pertaining to the actual site plan, plot plan, and septic field would be needed before a vote could be determined.

The Building Regulations Old and Proposed will be a side-by-side comparison. They will be mailed out in the May mailing of the LTPOA newsletter. They will also be mailed in the LTIA Newsletter, as well as be posted on the website. Please look them over for they will be up for vote in the June election.

Rick stated that he had three phone calls concerning some drainpipe extending from the Holloran's property to the neighboring properties. It is believed to be ground water drainage. However, the Lake will not approve nor tolerate any possible encumbrances upon neighboring properties. If these pipes remain in their current location they will likely cause erosion onto the neighboring properties. Carol stated that she would go by there and address this issue with the Holloran's.

Ed stated that he wanted to address the issue of Todd and using the Lake's truck to get to and home from work here at the Lake. Remember that we had a pretty nasty winter there for a while, and because Todd's vehicle could not assure him getting to work, he was allowed the Lake's Truck. By Todd using the truck in this fashion assured that we had someone here making sure our roads were cleared. Todd worked Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Years Eve, and New Years Day making sure that our roads were clear. If someone had a problem with this, they really need to think again.

As far as Todd's comp time goes, Ed assured that he is in constant contact with Todd, and assures that the Lake is not getting taken advantage of.

Ed wanted to address the issue of some comments of Todd driving to fast with the truck while plowing. For those of us who haven't plowed before, a constant speed has to be maintained to remove the snow, and maintain momentum.

Phil Chambers asked about the ditches. Ed stated that he, Todd, and the ditches are not getting along to well. However, Ed stated that as his time is starting to slow down a little. He plans on spending a little more time with Todd to get the ditches addressed.


SILT (Becky Harper)
Dale mentioned that he did speak with Ron Sansone to try and get a small concrete basin poured, as well as to try and get some of the trees cut out.

Dale stated that Becky priced some equipment such as a backhoe, track-hoe, or dozer to dig the back of the coves out. Just to rent the equipment would cost over $10,000 a month. This price does not include having someone to operate it, which could cost somewhere near 30-35 dollars an hour. Therefore, Dale asked Ron if he had a backhoe or some other smaller type of equipment that some of our Lake employees could operate, and Ron is to check in to it, and get back with Dale.

Ken Lanning stated that he had talked with Nu-Way and they stated that they could help us out, and work with us on a smaller track-hoe. Dale stated that while all good intentions we don't want to commit to anything until we actually get to the coves.

Someone in attendance stated that while all good intentions on people trying to help us out. They first need to clean up the debris scattered on their own lots near their house.

Dale stated that there was a hydraulic hose that broke yesterday, but it is now fixed, and things seem OK now.

WEBSITE (Janet Hirsch)
Janet stated that she would like to thank the Board, and everyone else who has contributed to the website.

We now have six months of Meeting Minutes on the website, LTIA newsletters, TAA Annual Report, and Meeting Minutes, Lake Patrol Report. We also have new sections on the history of the lake, and a photo gallery.

Janet would also like to ask anyone for their assistance with the History section, older photos, and any other type of contribution would be appreciated.

Dale stated that the fishing photo book is located on top of the refrigerator in the Community House.

Technically since Fishing Club does not belong to anybody Rick wanted to state that this Thursday is the second meeting of the year at 7:00 pm at the Community House. In addition, Rick wanted to let it be known that this Sunday the Fishing Club will be meeting on the North side near the dam at 12:00 pm to put more brush in the lake.

Fishing Club is also planning on restocking the Lake at the end of April.

Chris stated that he felt the Board should adopt a Resolution stating the restriction and prohibition of guns, and other types of dangerous weapons to be in one's possession on Common Ground. Rick agreed, and Ed stated that the Police said that would be what we have to do. Rick stated that he will draft something and have prepared for the May meeting.

Phil Chambers stated to make sure we exempt the Lake's Guard, and any other type of Law Enforcement personnel.

Rick wanted to state that coming up here shortly is the June General Election. He, Kathy Hopfer, and one other, not yet determined, terms are up.

Pat Griffero, G12-G14, will be on vacation the weekend of the election, so Rick had asked Phil & Dee Chambers, K07-K08, if they would be the election Chairpersons. They agreed to do it, and have been advised of their responsibilities. Thanks Phil & Dee!

Two other people are requested to help, so please get in contact with Phil & Dee 274-1967.

Phil asked for those of you who need to update their information to please do so when coming in to vote.

VOTING DAY IS JUNE 21st !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dale wanted to bring up the discussion of raising assessments. We are able to borrow off our loan just enough to keep our head above water. However, as you can see the entrance road is all tore up, and surely will be a fair expense. In addition, keeping the Roads and the Dredge maintained will take money. Insurance is sure to rise. If people want to keep this place running and looking good it will take money.

Dale stated that $1.00 raise would generate $56,000 additional operating dollars.

Carol suggested for Dale to put pen to paper and try and figure what next years operating budget is projected to be. Carol also stated that there has got to be a way to readdress the assessment issue. She suggested one possibility is to make everyone's the same, or prorate them based on land or some other determining factor.

Chris agreed that here has got to be some other formula that is fairer. He stated that he knew what his assessments were before buying his property, but he still did not think it was fair. For example, his brother-in-law has to pay $1,400 dollars for every front foot that goes around a curve while most who are paying fewer assessments gets to drive around this curve, while he picks up the tab.

Rick stated that he agrees that it is not fair the way it is assessed, and that the only way to change it is either through an agreement of 100 percent of the property owners, or whenever the Lake's Indenture's are up for reexamination, which is 2021.

Chris stated that there has got to be some fairer way. He and Dale agreed to get together on the issue.

Dale stated that he would try and get some things together and contact the other Board members, so that all members could get together and have this ready before the May meeting, and mailing.

Ed suggested that he knows of tons of stuff in the Maintenance yard that can be sold to generate money. He stated that he would get with Jan Hirsch to place an ad on the Website for this.

Ken Lanning asked about the carrying gun issue again. Rick reiterated that Gary has sent a letter to Mr. Kley, but as of yet to hear a response from him. Furthermore, Rick stated that a resolution would be drafted and voted on the June Ballot.

Ed stated that it was he who called the Police the last time this had happened and that the officer told him that he could not do anything since the Lake's Restrictions did not state the prohibition of this. Furthermore, that the officer could not even get the guy for trespassing since he owned a lot within the Lake.

Ken asked that since we're talking about money that couldn't we borrow money against the dredge that we owned. Rick stated that we are already $450,000 dollars owed to the bank, and the Lake is not borrowing any more money.

Ken asked about the Holloran's 8-inch drain pipes on the west side of the property near Irene Ross's property. Rick stated that he is also concerned about that due to the fact the pipe ends directly to the property adjoining; hence potential erosion on the neighboring lot.

Phil Chambers stated that wasn't it stated that the Guard would be working till midnight on Friday and Saturday nights? Rick stated that was what he understood, but Gary is not here to address the issue, and he will ask Gary about it.

Phil Chambers wanted to address the alleged Hot-Tub enclosure on the Ahelemeyer's property, K29-K31. There appears there is no connection to the house per the Building Regulations. Phil also asked about some other issues pertaining to the Ahelemeyer's. Carol stated that she would address these issues with the Ahelemeyer's.

Frances Hovis, K26B-K28, questioned the water flow causing erosion to her yard from a culvert. The culvert was not there two years ago. And she has asked for someone to take a look at it and see if it is necessary to be there or not. It was stated that Ed would take a look into this.

Jason Covington, C28-C30, asked Carol about how the Lake is going to handle the citations to the lot owners who are neglecting the upkeep of their property. Carol stated that she is working on getting a list together to handle the citations. However, she does need help on getting to all of them in a timely fashion. Jason stated that he would be willing to help in this much-needed endeavor.

The Patrol Boat possibly needs new decking. Butch and Al stated that they would take a look at it. There appears to be nothing wrong with the motor.

Ken Lanning stated that he had a letter from the Government issued to his work addressing Missouri's potential outbreak of the West-Nile Virus. It is expected that this year the outbreak in Missouri can mirror and surpass the number of cases in Illinois last year. Rick wanted to readdress all the more reason to address the derelict lots to make sure they are clear of any potential harboring for the mosquito larvae.

Chris Townsend made a motion to adjourn. Carol Kline seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 9:12 pm.