The meeting opened at 7:03 p.m. with the following board members present:
Janet Hirsch, Ron Sansone, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel, and Kevin Seelbach.
The December meeting minutes having been posted on the website, inserted in the newsletter and passed out at the meeting, President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes, motion made by Marilyn Meyer, seconded by Janet Hirsch, motion passed unanimously.
Presidents Report
President Sansone commented on the recent snow removal. We now have a new person doing this and he was working out very well.
Treasurers Report
Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported for January and February
Marilyn presented the following bills for payment approval:
LTIA - Propane $400.00
Joe Hejnal Jr. - Snow plowing 5 hours $150.00
Storage Boxes and Sand $32.94
Morton Salt $1,275.38
Gail Lents - Quit Claim Deed $34:00
Kevin Seelbach - Asphalt patch $66.25
Marilyn said that the LTPOA paid the LTIA $100 more for propane than last year because we are now using the building more.
Motion made by Janet Hirsch seconded by Kevin Seelbach to accept the Treasurer's Report as read and for payment of the submitted bills. Motion passed.
Finance Committee
Janet Hirsch reported that the YTD financial statement had been prepared by the Finance Committee. She said that the lake was doing very well and spending was about $6,000 below the set budget for the year.
Larry Kimmel said that it had been very quiet with no reports or gate breaks in the last couple of months. He is working on getting the decals in time for the summer and is beginning to get emails from people for them.
Gate Report
Janet Hirsch reported that 354 copies of the newsletter had been sent out March 5. If you have not received a copy please contact Janet. The deadline for the next newsletter is April 20.
Building Director
Joe Hejnal is still out of town and in his absence Larry Kimmel made the report.
Timmersman -I38-I31
Request to replace the roof trusses, add a front deck. All permits are in order from Jefferson County. A motion was made by Kevin Seelbach, seconded by Janet Hirsch to issue the permits. Motion passed unanimously.
Duffy - G9-G11
Request to build a 5,000 sq. ft addition. His plans meet the requirements of Lake Tishomingo. However, Jefferson County requires a 40 ft. set back. The lake only requires a 25 ft. set back. It was questioned as to whether we could pass on a lesser figure than the county. Larry said no. When asked if he had got a variance Mr. Duffy said he didn't know. A board member said that we needed to see the variance so he was in compliance with the County as everyone else who built at the lake had to be. He was also asked about the height of the fence and gate that would go across the front of his property. This was of concern to the board. He reported that he didn't know this either. The fence could not be more than 42" high and he must tell the contractor of the lake regulation.
A motion was made by Kevin Seelbach, seconded by Janet Hirsch to issue the permit. Motion passed with one no vote on the Duffy permit with the provision that he complies with Jefferson County with regard to the set back from the lake.
Kevin Seelbach and Henry Brym patched the deep potholes on the entrance road. The volley ball court was in the process of being prepared. The maintenance yard has been cleaned. The yellow truck will be placed for sale on the website. The big trailer, the big dump truck and the blue 4-wheel drive pickup truck will also be put up for sale on the website. The blue truck does require some work.
Web Site
Janet Hirsch reported that 354 newsletters were sent out and it will be on the website in a few days. Please let Janet know if you did not get your copy. She said that the last issue was delayed by the St. Louis post office for 35 days.
The new Project List is now on the website. [These are all lake projects, not just LTPOA.] If you have any questions on what the Board is doing, who is doing it, how much it costs etc. please look at this list. Janet said that she will be uploading the information from the TAA who recently had their first meeting for the year and they now have 7 officers and new fishing regulations. The sewer meeting minutes will also be placed on the website.
Lou Harting was unable to be at the meeting but sent the following report.
The corned beef dinner was a great success with 45 people attending. The Crawfish Boil is on Saturday March 24th from 3 - 7 p.m. This will be followed by a showing of Casablanca on our new projection TV. A big thanks to Kevin Seelbach for donating a new surround sound system for the club house to go with the projection TV. April 1st is the children's Easter Party from 1-3 p.m. The Easter Bunny will be in attendance. Mary Leiweke is in charge of the party. If you know of any young children please invite them to this. The next dinner is April 14.
Old Business
Janet reported that Jason Covington is now in charge of monitoring the lake water in connection with the algae problem. He is conducting a training session on Sunday March 18th at 2:30 p.m. at his home. If you would like to get involved but can't make the meeting please give him a call. He will need assistance in monitoring this very serious problem in the lake. These algae normally live around 10 ft. down at 52 degrees. However this year due to abnormally warm weather at the beginning of the winter, the lake had a thermal inversion which caused the algae to come up and the algae grew causing the red chocolate brown powder over the lake. The algae feed on the phosphates from laundry products. If the algae are allowed to grow, it has a bad smell, it will make the fish taste bad. If it gets too thick it will cut off sunlight to the lower layers where the good algae produce oxygen and then the fish may die. Samples have been sent off to Missouri State University where the algae have been identified as Oscillatoria rubescens.
New Business
There being no further business, Marylyn Meyer made a motion, seconded by Kevin Seelbach to adjourn. The meeting ended at 7:38 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting