The meeting opened at 7:00 p.m. with the following board members present: Ray Lauer, Kevin Seelbach, Pat Harting, Marilyn Meyer, Larry Kimmel, Ron Sansone and 22 lot owners initially present.
President Sansone introduced Fire Chief Gary Peters from the Goldman Fire District who came to talk about dry hydrants.
Chief Peters introduced himself and said that he had been a fire chief for 17 years. He said that the Goldman district started in 1951 as a volunteer district. The district now is now run thru tax dollars and now has 24-hour paid shifts.
He said that the difference between a wet and dry hydrant is that the wet is under pressure and the dry has to be drafted out. The hydrants at the lake are dry ones. He then handed out diagrams showing how these hydrants work. The hydrant runs have to be under at least 2 to 3 ft of water and the lift has to be at least 15 ft .in for order for them to work. He said the lake has a problem because of the topography of the land. He said that there are very few spots around the lake suitable for hydrants and the fire tanker had to be within 20 ft of them for the purpose of drawing water. A suggestion was made to make concrete pads for the tankers to park on for. Chief Peters said that these pads would have to be able to take at least 26 tons in weight, the weight of the tankers.
A suggestion from the floor was for a dedicated free standing pressurized hydrant. However, Chief Peters pointed out that these also required a dedicated line from the water to the hose as well as an additional pump. A jet siphon was also suggested and Chief Peters said he would look into this also.
The south side hydrant which was not operational was being looked at. It was thought that perhaps it had been cracked upon installation and was therefore leaking.
In answer to a question from the floor, Chief Peters said that it takes approximately 10 minutes for them to get to the lake from when they receive a call. However, because they only have one crew on duty other fire departments may arrive first. He said that the new firehouse is strictly a volunteer station at the moment. It costs approximately $30,000 for each full time person to be stationed at a fire house. In order for the new fire house to be fully operational on a 24 hours basis a tax increase would have to be voted in. Unfortunately the Goldman fire district consists of mainly farm and housing which does not generate the necessary taxes to pay for additional full time fire fighters.
Insurance rates can be reduced if you are located 5 miles from the first house and 1,000 ft. from a hydrant. He said that the ISO rates the fire districts. Lake Tishomingo is classified as a class 6 with 1 as being the best.
Chief Peters then went on to say that he would look into tax benefits and grants for dry hydrants for the lake. Grant money for dry hydrants is also available from the Conservation District. These grants are given every 3 to 4 years. Chief Peters said he would look into these. In closing Chief Peters said that we would be receiving a letter requesting feedback on an increased tax/bond issue.
President's Report: The minutes of the January meeting were passed with the following amendments being noted from the Treasurers Report. December Cash Outflow _ employment taxes of $844.60 should be removed and the utilities should be changed to $134.95 for a total of $8,643.55. President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes, motion made by Larry Kimmel, seconded by Marilyn Meyer motion passed unanimously.
Treasurers Report: Marilyn Meyer, Treasurer, reported the following:
Cash Inflow
LTIA insurance reimbursement 2,013.50
Gate pass revenue 10.00
Interest 42.44
Total Cash Inflow 2,065.94
Cash Outflow
Loan payment 4.489.55
Payroll (20 hrs per week) 1,066.20*
Fed & State Empl Taxes 1,069.80
Salt Spreader 7,682.00
Snow Plowing & Equip Repair 748.58
Parking Lot Rock 772.93
Newsletter Postage 114.40
2006 Postal Permit 160.00
Utilities 245.08
Heating Oil 300.00
Safe Deposit Box Rental 25.00
Loan Principal from Money Market 500.00
Total Cash Outflow 17,173.54
Checking Account Balance 67,387.16
Money Market Balance 1,128.98
CDs (4 @ $12,000 each) 48,000.00
Total Cash on Hand 116.5165.14
Loan Balance January 31 2006 132,235.33
Interest per day $20.20
Special Assess (04-05) outstanding 50.00**
Regular Assess (04-05) outstanding 300.00
Special Assess (05-06) outstanding 903.53
Regular Assess (05-06) outstanding 4,694.62
*Amount represents 3 payroll periods
** Two lots have been taken back
The following bills were presented for payment:
Quick Shop - Gas 22.00
Newsletter - 2 issues 293.53
Labor for concrete work - 4 workers 637.00
Hillsboro Auto Parts 26.03
Tesreau - Quarterly legal fees 1,460.00
Signature Control - Aluminum arms for gate 504.91
Siren sensor + installation 854.12
Ray Lauer made a motion, seconded by Larry Kimmel to accept the treasurer's reports for November and December. Motion carried.
Finance Committee: Janet Hirsch reported that the Finance Committee had not met since the last board meeting. There was therefore nothing to report.
Security Director: Security Report.
Building Director: Larry Kimmel presented two building permits for approval.
1. Dale Farwig - C35 & 36 Construction of new home
2. Fuller - K24 Replace dock surface. This dock is grand fathered. The existing pillars will be used.
Motion made by Kevin Seelbach, seconded by Ray Lauer _ permits granted.
Larry reported on the list compiled by Jason Covington on items in need of repair e.g. docks, sheds, garbage in yards, etc. He said that he had inspected each lot that had a problem and that the Board was getting ready to send out letters to the homeowners requesting they take care of the problems. He asked that if anyone was aware of a problem, please contact him.
Larry brought up the question of the abandoned stone faced house on South Lakeshore Drive. He said that he was working with the County and a condemnation notice had been served on January 24. A hearing with the owners is being scheduled and if the owners do not conform, the house will be torn down.
Larry then mentioned the house on D64-66. This has the same problem and he said that he will contact the owners and give them a certain amount of time and if they do not respond then he will send it to the county.
He then went on to list the items that he had also been made aware of a fence that was not to code. He said that the Board will enforce the regulations. Larry said again, please contact him if you see any problems around the lake that need to be addressed.
The problem of dogs was also discussed. Unfortunately, there is nothing that the Board can do. The county is responsible for this. Larry suggested that if you have a problem with a dog you contact the guard Wayne as he also works for the Animal Control.
Maintenance Director: In Matt Holloran's absence, Kevin gave the following report:
1. Work was progressing on the new boat ramp in the marina area. A new sand beach would be put in. A light will be placed on each side of the ramp.
2. The maintenance area is being cleaned up. This has been an eyesore in the past to great guests when they come out here. He said it was his intention to make the entrance look nice.
3. He then went on to say that he had found someone to take the volcano away. This process will commence when he is sure they do not need any of it for backfill etc.
Ron went on to say that the old boat ramp had been removed. The new ramp is twice as wide and twice as long. He thanked all the volunteers who had worked on the ramp so far. He said that he had initially received a bid for $15,000 just for the boat ramp and again thanked the volunteers for their help and said that the whole new lakefront area will very likely not cost much more than the initial bid. He said that Wauwanoka used the same type of blocks we are using and suggested looking at their seawall. The contractor has also lowered the dry hydrant by approximately 3 ft. It is out of the water because the lake is so low at the moment. The creek coming into the lake also is in need of being cleaned out before the rains start and Ron asked Kevin to look at this while the contractor was still here.
Web Site: Janet Hirsch reported that she had put an announcement about Chief Peters being at the meeting this evening and that the deadline for the next newsletter was Sunday February 19. She also posted a picture of the lake when it snowed.
Sewer Committee: Janet Hirsch reported that every address on the lake that can be connected to the sewers has been verified. There are a total of 233 houses in the lake, 5 in Tishomingo Forest and 4 along Lake Tishomingo Road for a total of 242. These are the names and addresses which will be sent to the agency for the income survey. Information will be placed in the newsletter regarding the April 4th election. President Sansone reiterated that the April 4th election is the first stage to creating the water /sewer district. The district has to be formed first before you can have sewers at the lake. The next step will be on negotiations between the various governmental agencies, contractors etc. to come up with a price. He said that this would be sewers only. He said that it was very important that we become our own district because water districts could be purchased by contractors and financial institutions and if this happened to the lake we would then be at their mercy as to the type and price of sewers at the lake.
In answering questions from the floor, Ron said that we would need a simple majority of eligible voters and that in the past elections it has been very favorable for sewers. You have to be a registered voter to vote. Janet said that there would be a calling committee so that everyone eligible to vote would be called. If you would like to be on the committee please call her. President Sansone mentioned that we were one of the only lakes around here that did not have a sewer system and that in time it would be mandated that we do.
New Business: No new business.
There being no further business, Ray Lauer made a motion, seconded by Marilyn Meyer to adjourn. The meeting ended at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting