[These minutes have not yet been formally approved by the LTPOA BoD jmh]
The meeting opened at 7:04 p.m. with the following board members present:
Linda Fulford, Pat Harting, Matt Holloran, Ray Lauer, Ron Sansone and Chris Townsend. Sixteen lot owners were present.
The minutes of the December meeting having been posted on the website, inserted in the newsletter and passed out at the meeting, President Sansone asked for a motion to accept the minutes, motion made by Chris Townsend, seconded by Matt Holloran, motion passed unanimously.
Presidents Report
Waste Management will be contacted to ascertain why new customers are being charged less for their service and to request the lower rate for all customers. It is hoped that via the newsletter, people will be encouraged to have just one trash removal company servicing the lake. Only having one heavy trash removal vehicle on lake property will help with to protect the new roads. A couple of other companies are being contacted to see if they will give a low price for servicing the whole lake. ISCI is one and a company in St. Clair is the other.
Treasurers Report
Prior to Linda giving her report, President Sansone stated that this year more people have paid their assessments than ever. Ray Lauer spoke with the attorney and the attorney said that the amount still owed is the lowest it has ever been. Ron said that this was due in part to the letters which were sent to all delinquent lot owners and the phone calls made mainly by Linda. He thanked her for her diligence. In years past, it had not been unusual to have 75 people still owe money but we only have approximately 20 to 22 people with under $10,000 in assessment money still being owed. Linda reported the following:
Income | <$150.00> | Bounced check fee |
$350.00 | Gate passes | |
$ 45.66 | Interest | |
Total | $305.66 | |
She said that the issue of the bounced check was being taken care of. | ||
Expenses | $1,291.00 | Payroll |
$8,430.06 | Vehicle maintenance/gate expense | |
$9,057.83 | General & administrative | |
Total | $18,779.69 | |
The net income was therefore <$18,474.03>. |
Checking account balance | $ 78,865.15 |
Money market | $ 1,016.32 |
Loan amount | $ 308,083 |
Outstanding assessments | $ 12,292 |
Assessments for deposit | $ 4,790 |
There will be a deposit of $1,322 for returned insurance premiums received after the payroll audit.
Gail Lents reported that LTIA pays the total insurance premium on the community house not half as previously reported and they will also pay for the postage permit for the year of $150. Linda thanked Gail and the LTIA for this.
Ron Sansone asked for a motion to accept the treasurers report, motion made by Ray Lauer, seconded by Chris Townsend, motion passed unanimously.
Security Director
Ray Lauer read his report. Gail Lents questioned whether replacement of the chip would make the Security Gate screen easier to read, especially during the day. Ray replied that during this past week Roger has upgraded this. If anyone has a problem in the future, please call Roger, 274-7019.
Building Director
Bev Jost reported on the following activity:
1. Mike Schaab - H4,5,6 & 7. Addition of a family room - permit already issued by Jefferson County.
2. A letter was sent on January 6th to the owner of the derelict dock (C75). A response was received within two days stating that the dock would be repaired as soon as the weather permitted this.
Ron then requested that the letter written to Becky Harper be submitted as part of the minutes. The letter was read.
Maintenance Director
Matt Holloran reported that bills for salt had been submitted together with a $19 bill from the Quick Shop for gas for the snow plow. He reported that the salt spreader worked fine but the tractor which loads the salt spreader had a problem and this now needs to be addressed. It required an alternator belt.
He said that he was currently working on a budget for repairs for the current road. Please notify Matt in writing if you have noticed anything that needs repair.
These items will be submitted to three contractors who will be giving us bids on the actual repairs. Matt said that he anticipated that there would be approximately $3,000 in needed repairs. This figure did not include the repair to the road from the 4-way stop coming into the lake. He said that this would have to be discussed for payment either thru the budget or as a special assessment as the road was beginning to deteriorate. He said that the earlier repairs to the road were continuing to sink mainly due to the natural lay of the land. He said that the road on the other side of the 4-way stop was also experiencing the same low spot in the road. Matt then continued to discuss the center seam on the new road which had needed to be sealed this year but unfortunately, there was not the $13,000 needed in the budget to do this at the present time. He was however getting three bids for this work from contractors who do nothing but seal asphalt in order that this can be in the budget for next year.
Gail Lents had nothing to report.
Finance Committee
The finance committee met prior to the pre-board meeting on January 5th. Janet Hirsch reported that the committee is presently working on improving the monthly reports and on short and long term planning. She said that they would like to set up a regularly scheduled meeting for 6 p.m. on the Wednesday of the pre-board meeting.
Janet reported that the LTIA membership information on the web site has been updated. She reminded everyone to renew their LTIA membership. Also posted on the website are pictures of the swans, which visited the lake on Christmas Eve. The deadline for inclusion in the next newsletter is February 20th.
Old Business
Kathy Hopfer said that she had heard that a teenager had reported that he was informed that he would be charged a $100 dollar fine for using the keypad on the gate to call home because his cell phone did not work. President Sansone said that this was the first he had heard this but that there was no truth whatsoever in it.
New Business
Matt reported that he had received a phone call about the dredge from someone who had spoken with Ron but until an offer was received in writing this would not technically be brought up for discussion. However, he wanted to let everyone know that there was a gentleman who was interested in the dredge and the selling price would very likely be between $80,000 to $90,000. He said that this person was a dredge salesman who had found someone who was interested in purchasing ours. Matt simply told him that this information would be brought up at the next meeting. Ron then said that Mr. Ross now had a job in Old Mines and he would therefore be back in the area. Ron told him that our situation had not changed since his visit here in the summer. He indicated to Ron that due to the fact that he would be working in this area he could now give us a price of around $145,000 plus the dredge for the whole lake. This figure did not include removal of the silt, this we would have to do ourselves, but he would be happy to have us find a way to remove the silt. Ron then went on to say that arrangements would have to be made quickly to get the dredge out of the water in order for the needed maintenance to the pontoons to be done. The pontoons require a coating of tar in order that they do not rust.
Gail Lents reported that Butch Hopfer and Ken Lanning winterized the dredge at the beginning of the year.
There being no further business, Ray Lauer made a motion, seconded by Linda Fulford to adjourn.
The meeting ended at 7:33 p.m.
Respectfully submitted
Pat Harting