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Dam Committee Report for Mar 11, 2008 LTPOA Meeting

The proposal/contract to perform pressure grouting on the dam to repair the leak was received from Dave Taylor on Feb 14, 2008. His detailed cost estimate was $124,577, which is about $4600 more than the rough estimate of $100,000 to $120,000 he gave us in Dec 2007. We are hopeful that his actual bill is less than this, as was the case when he repaired the leak at Lake Lorraine. The portion of the proposal describing the work he will do to stop the leak is posted at the website.

We also received a short-form contract from the engineer Don Eskridge, who will act as the Lake’s agent during the grouting project. Mr. Eskridge is also needed to obtain permits from Mo. Dam Safety. Mr. Eskridge will be paid at an hourly rate. His total cost is not-to-exceed $16,500.

I now ask the Board to make a motion to approve the contracts from Dave Taylor and Don Eskridge.

Just a reminder that on March 29 there will be an election for a special assessment of $1 per front foot for two years to pay for repairing the leak in the dam. Please vote ‘Yes’ to allow the lake to generate the funds needed to pay for this repair.

Lake level at 4 PM on Mar 11 was down 5 feet 4.5 inches (64.5 inches).
Lake level at 12n on Jan 6 was down 8 feet 5 inches (101 inches).

Rich Hirsch for the Dam Committee